chapter 3: suppress homes

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Suppress homes is where friendzone mostly likely to accur. this is also the nice guy home..

The suppress homes is often giving the female superiority over the Male counterpart hoping for a way to obtain the female affection.
instead without really understanding the situation by giving the female dominance over him, also greatly destroy his masculinity.

Which in return open the doors of lack of respect towards the male counterpart.

This homes as a close similarity to the needy homes..
But while the needy homes is too direct in trying too hard to please the female counterpart,
The suppress homes is slightly opposite in his approach.

Often times the suppress homes will bottle up their feelings giving no hint of wanting intimacy...

So forth Building up expectations which leads to a clear part to disappointments..

In Some cases, that guy you always see with alot of females but no partnership with.. or personal partnership outside,
is one of the sign of suppress homes

There is a saying "the nice guys finish last" and that's absolutely total correct.. the nice guys finish last because the nice guys takes the value of everyone else opinions more important than his own..
Not only in relationships but because the nice guys is more susceptible to agreeing even in business, the nice guys can be persuaded in getting under pay and excluded from the chance to move up in ranks, both can result in the nice guys compliances..

Their is cases of females prefering the suppress homes because the nice guys can be dominated by the female counterpart.
even so the female will have low respect for the Male..
the fact that the suppress homes is lacking in self-respect and show barely any interest for his own needs and opinions..
he's mostly likely to gain small to none respect from others..

Eg. You bought two [2] shoes one of them you pay 300 Dallas US for it, The other you pay 50 Dallas US for it..
there is a huge probability of you treating the 300 Dallas shows with more care than the 50 Dallas shoes because you know the worth of the 300 Dallas shoes.

On a rainy day you'll be more comfortable soling the 50 Dallas shoes, you may wear the 50 Dallas shoes yes.. but to you it's more easier to replace than the 300 Dallas shoes.
that is where the nice guys place themselves.. the easy replacable 50 Dallas shoes..
even if they get someone to where them.. the low value they've put themselve in is very common.

if its common, it can be replaced without much effort needed and that's why the nice guys is taken for granted..

This homes is a direct example of a beta male.
most offen putting theirselves into the follower Positions..

Yes.. the nice guys are the bitch of the pack where everyone can use as a stepping stole.

one of the reason for that is the lack of capability to be cruel and to be offensive, which makes them a easy target for other persons who can be cruel, putting them into a victimization spot.

This homes sometimes changes into the agression homes when being self aware of his transgressions. you'll learn more about the agression homes in the next chapter..

The suppress homes also as a toxic way of mindset, this homes believes in doing polite respectful things in return of rewards..

Building up alot of expectations in fact, this homes as the most expectations towards others..

eg. #2 You're walking down the street, you see a next person walking by, you say hello expecting the other person to say it back.. which is totally normal, that's just basic polite mannerism.

it only gets abnormal when the expectations become toxic.

Eg. #3 like given a female your love without directly telling her your doing so but expecting the love to be return..

These are some of the suppress homes characteristics..
The nice guy always looks for rewards for good behaviors which leads to disappointments.. they will play the blame game with high feelings of insecurity also..

The lack of disagreeable attributes with high expectations.. plays a major role in the suppress homes creation..

do not mistake the nice guys for good guys.. a matter of fact there are no such thing as a fully good guy but there are authentic guys, who does good without the expections..
if feels, like there is a problem to address the good guy will address it..

But the nice guy will not.. if the nice guys wants a female he'll prefer to do everything to show goodness even submitting to her to show her he's the one she should be dating..

If even to be that female friend for a long period of time with intentions of the female realizing he's the one for her.

When disappoint accur, that nice guy may even blame that female for not making the right choice..

but the truth is he never gave her a choice to begin with..
in his mind the deal as already been done.. even without that person knowing..

This is a very destructive homes.. and mostly likely to have little relations skills..
You'll see males in this homes normalize constantly apologizing all the time, even when not call for.. which gives a sensitive attribute to this homes.

if you've made it this far in the book you'll certainly know sensitivity is a woman trait, which leads to repulsion of the female counterpart..

This homes as a immense low confidence and attraction..
And not just physical attraction.. the mindset of this homes is mainly toxic to its self..
And is too suppressed to speak what he really wants.

Suggestion for this homes is to try being the person you are proud to be..
Not someone you think people are proud of you to be..

There are many reasons and factors in play for a female counterpart to be attracted to man..
Most woman also love a humorous man that can be serious when needs to be.

this homes toxic mindset will not get him far in relations, working on his self and knowing who he wants to be finding authenticity, is a best choice of self growth and development that will activate change..


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