Please stop-Chapter 3

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I hear footsteps coming downstairs. It's dad,Ron,Jesse, and Brittany. Dad pushes them down the stairs, injuring Rons arm."Shh..ow..." Said Ron. He winced in pain and I could see a tear roll down his cheek. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up for anything and I'll hurt you to the point you wish you were dead." Said dad. "Ok,sir." Replied Jesse. Jesse was always nice. It's really sad seeing her being treated like this. "Should we call the cops?" Asked Brittany. "No" replied Ron in a shaky voice. "Before they get here, we'll already be dead. What's the point?" Everyone was quiet for a minute."What CAN we do?" Asked Jesse. "Not much considering the fact that we will get beaten." Replied Ron. Ron was trying his hardest not to cry. His arm was broken, and he had to go through this. I think we all were trying not to cry. Jesse crawled over to mom and just stared. She didn't say anything. Just...stared. She then spoke. "Dear Lord,please let my mommy be Ok in heaven. Tell her I love her. Amen." "Amen." Said everyone. At this point we were all silently crying. We miss mom. We always will. We love you,mom.

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