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Draco didn't resist when Pansy had held him while he spluttered on the bathroom floor that night - the tiles decorated with a bouquet of blood stained confetti.

“ What's wrong with me? ” He asked again, this time more desperate for an answer as Pansy's fingers combed through his hair.

She shook her head. “ I- I don't know, Dray... Granger will figure it out, alright? She always does ” Right now, the girl couldn't care less about her pride or the fact that she had just admitted that the Gryffindor girl was probably the only hope they had left.

If only she knew how wrong she truly was.

“ We're going to fix you, alright? ” she kissed his head through a teary, mascara stained, smile. “ You're going to be alright. Just breath... ”

Breath ? ” Draco scoffed with another heave. “ I-it feels like my insides are- are being ripped out! ”

Pansy swallowed down the tears that threatened to spill. “ I know. I'm sorry. It'll all be over soon, okay? Just- just hold on, yeah? ”

She refused to cry. A Parkinson doesn't cry. Just like a Malfoy doesn't feel.

If only people knew how wrong those statements were.

“ Hanahaki ” Hermione said one morning as she slammed down a book on the library table, causing both Harry and Ron to flinch. “ It's so obvious! Why didn't I realize- ”

“ 'mione, keep it down, will you? ” Ron muttered glancing at a glaring librarian and the questioning gazes of a few fourth year students.

Harry rolled his eyes, completely unfazed by the librarian's familiar glare in their direction before craning his neck to look at the open page of Hermione's book. “ What are you talking about? What's Hanahaki ? ”

“ It's a disease - it's supposed to be a myth, but it appears that the wizarding world has yet another acception when it comes to these things ” she muttered somewhat bitterly. “ It happens when someone is in love with a person, but that person doesn't love said, first, person. ”

Ron arched a brow. “ I think the easier term is, one-sided love, don't you think? ” he glanced at Harry, finding the boy frowning at the molding page in front of him. “ Anyway, if it's a myth, why are you so interested in it? Is it for one of your advanced classes or something? ”

Hermione suddenly stiffened, her attention not completely on the red haired boy and his question. “ Erm... ” she responded absentmindedly, her face falling with each word she read.

Harry noticed. “ Hermione, are you alright? What's wrong? ”

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