Chapter 9

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I looked at my fathers grinning face and ran into the living room.

"What am I going to do?" I cried. "Rose. Calm down. We'll figure this out." Avery tried to assure me. I got up and started pacing. "Is there anything you can do?" I asked him. He thought for a moment and shook his head. I sighed. "There's only one thing left to do. And you're not going to like it." Avery immediately stood and tried to persuade me not to do it, but I would not let myself be persuaded not to do it. I can't run anymore. I have to face my fears.

I opened the front door and stepped outside. "Rose." I heard my father say. I turned toward him. "I'm tired of running from you." I said in the coolest voice I could manage. "You're scared," he said smirking, but I could tell, even beneath that, he was afraid of me. "Nope, but you are." I said and laughed. He looked upon me and uttered with horror. I looked up into the heavens and suddenly knew exactly what to do. I mustered every ounce of power I had in me and shoved it at him and he was on the ground. I checked to his pulse to make sure he was still breathing and sighed with relief that he was just unconscious.

I looked up and saw Avery look at me with wonder in his eyes. "What?" I asked, self-consciously looking at the ground in embarrassment. "You're the Nephilim." he said in wonder. I looked at him with absolutely no understanding at all. "The what?" I asked. "Nephilim. You're half Angel, half mortal." I shook my head. That can't be true, that sort of stuff didn't exist. Did it? "You're crazy. You're saying that one of my parents is full blooded Angel?" I asked in disbelief. "Angels don't lie. Why would I lie to you?" I made the mistake of looking into his lapis lazuli eyes and they melted me so I gave in. "Which of my parents do you think it is?" I asked.

"I have an idea."

"If my father were an Angel he would've been able to defeat me."


"There is absolutely no way my mother was."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What are you saying?"

"Your mom was an Angel."

"You say 'is'. Are you saying my mom is still alive?"

"Ask yourself that."

I sank to the ground and shed the tears I'd been holding in for the past few moments and sobbed like I never had before. My mother was alive and didn't bother to contact me? That was not what hurt the most. What hurt the most was that Avery didn't love me. He loved the Angel inside of me.

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