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Dear Mia,

"How we meet ?" One day a butterfly flew in just like a flower petal and made me skip a heartbeat. I remember when I held your hand and we walked the path which led us to where we were destined to be. "How did we get from there to here?" When near spring your and my love overlapped and a miracle happened. I remembered our perfect kiss under the stars when I felt that time stopped for us and the universe was celebrating our love. That time when we sat under the street light smiling at each other like idiots. I realized how lucky I was to have you and when you whispered in my ear "forever together", I thought even God was on our side. 

This is what you wrote. isn't it? I read your diary behind your back, again.  

"Sorry" Mia Cara. I know you don't like it but I can't help it. You know I can't stop myself and I won't stop as well. 

But why would you write badly about yourself? Like you didn't like your eyes. I loved them and I still do, they are beautiful. They are deep and calm like the ocean. Do you have any idea, how many times I have lost to these eyes? 

You are still the most beautiful person I ever met and believe me I have not seen anyone that could be near you. Even today when I see you my heart skips a beat, and I can't believe how is that even possible. It's been four years three months and fifteen days since we met. I know what you are thinking, so yeah I remember when we met at the exact time as well and I still wish I could change 'how we met.' 

She has grown up Mia, and she is just like you daring, beautiful inside out and I haven't taught her anything stupid or bad, Zero doesn't let me do it. He was protective of you too, so I can't teach her anything that he doesn't approve of. By the way, Mom and Dad love her and so do your brothers. Now she has become the spoiled butterfly of the Roy Group, but you were and will always be their and mine princess.

I hope to meet you soon. I think about you a lot, promise...

Your love.

P.S. I will miss you more.... 

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