《ᴋᴏʟᴅ: sᴛᴏᴏᴅ ᴜᴘ.》

473 17 15

Was Requested By Someone Who Deleted Their Acc.

Genderbend Kold, Angsty :(


Kyra smiled as she looked up from her phone.

Gold had invited her on a date to a local park and later ice cream shop.

She had just been talking with her crush about the date they had this afternoon and she was really excited.

Gold had been a longstanding crush of hers, she had fell for him the moment she had laid eyes on him.

His fluffy short brown hair, piercing golden eyes and soft pink lips.

He truly was perfect.

And for his looks and extatic personality he had gained quite the following online.

And he was admired at school too.

So she was shocked when he had asked a total loser like herself on a date.

But when she considers things it makes sense.

Gold was known for having a crush on a certain popular rich kid.

And that rich kid had been flirting with Gold for a while, even going as far to buy him a golden ring and bracelet.

But Gold was never asked out by Princess and instead was just led on continuously.

So Gold had made the resolution to give up on her and focus on moving on.

Gold's moving on was dating other people to boost his ego so he'd get over her.

And now Gold had turned to his best friend for some help.

Despite all this Kyra had accepted the offer.

She thought about it more as she got dressed into a comfy and very pretty sky blue romper.

She rushed around her room finding various things that matched with her outfit.

She packed up her wallet, some makeup, makeup remover wipes and tissues into a side bag as she scurried around trying to tidy her room a bit before leaving.

Kyra clumsily made her way down the stairs.

She got out her pet's food and set it out for each and every of them.

She took extra care in helping them eat since she wouldn't be back in around 5 hours.

She checked her outfit in the mirror one last time, looked over her eyeshadow and eyeliner and left the house.

Kyra was walking to the park and was hoping that Gold was too so that they could walk together.

She checked her phone for any messages and saw the notification bar was empty.

She felt a little worried.

Gold had promised to call her so they could walk together.

But maybe she was just worried for nothing.

Kyra made her way over to the park in the scorching heat.

She had forgotten about the heat since her AC was always on.

And now she didn't have any sunscreen on.

It was very hot today so she hoped that Gold would arrive soon so that they could get ice cream and sit in the shade of the ice cream shop.

She kept her eyes on the ground and focused on the cracks in the path.

Kyra felt giddy, she still couldn't believe that she was walking to a date with Gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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