Chapter 3

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The giraffe, walrus and banshee came back at about 12:30am.

Thankfully the banshee was sleeping and the only sounds that could be heard were the mutterings of Mrs. D-something about "dog hair all over her clothes ".

They shooed her out without as much as a thank you or money and she was left there standing outside the door of number 4 privet drive in absolute disbelief. 

She had met a magical child! In the middle of muggle Surrey.

The whole situation was too crazy.

So she walked home still buzzing with excitement at the thought of no longer being alone.

Once she got into bed she realized that she would in fact be alone since she would be going back to Hogwarts the next day. 

Hogwarts to her was now just a means to get out of that cat-infested house. She didn't really have any friends because the majority of Slytherin house disliked her and the other houses just dislike Slytherin.

So instead of getting excited about going back to Hogwarts, she was lying down on her bed contemplating the ceiling lamenting that she couldn't use magic outside of school anymore so that she could entertain herself.

She dreamt of her parents that night. It wasn't a particularly pleasant dream and when she woke up to realize that they were, in fact, dead she couldn't help but feel a little relieved that her dream couldn't come true.

Platform 9 and 3/4 was just as busy as usual, filled with parents crying and embarrassed kids shushing them. Adelyn wondered if the parents' tears were tears of joy for seeing them leave.

One thing that caught her attention was a gigantic family of poorly dressed redheads 'the Weasleys'her mind supplied. They were purebloods, after all, she had been able to recognize lineage for as long as she could walk, that's one of the only things her parents deemed absolutely necessary for her to learn as a child.

What had caught her attention was the amount of them. There had to be at least 7 of them! That number of children for purebloods is basically unheard of. It made her wonder how the Prewetts and Weasleys escaped the consequences of inbreeding.

Adelyn shook herself from that bizarre tangent and made her way towards the Hogwarts express.

After putting down her bag she searched for an empty compartment. Of course, she couldn't find one so she had to settle for a compartment with only one other occupant in it.

Aidan Lynch.

Aidan and Adelyn were in the same boat, the Slytherins disliked them both, him because he's a half-blood and her for being a  "showoff blood traitor" and everyone outside of Slytherin disliked them because they were "slimy snakes and junior death eaters just like their jailed parents ". 

They weren't friends but he was also the closest thing to one she had.

The tall boy sitting in the compartment raised his head as he heard someone enter and a smile soon found a way to his face as he registered who was sitting in front of him.

"Come to sit with poor old me? Must be my lucky day!" he said 

She made a face and sat down ignoring the boy while he attempted to start a conversation about quidditch, his absolute favourite topic and her least favourite, well after cats.

But the brown-haired boy was persistent he kept talking until finally, she had heard enough about wronski feignhts and why the Tornadoes sucked that she had to put an end to his rambling.

"Thank you, Aiden that was fascinating! " She said in the most sarcastic voice she could imagine.

He beamed at her

"Honestly I don't know why they haven't put you in Hufflepuff you're insufferable" she continued

" Would a Hufflepuff have manipulated you into talking to them? " he countered

'Probably not' she acknowledged in her head.

The rest of the train ride was spent in silence trying to fight off the voice inside her head that told her to stop being such a moody teenager and be nice to the poor boy.

After all what does she have to lose?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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