Chapter 1

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It was no secret that Adelyn Fawley hates cats, but there she is surrounded by more cats she even knew existed and she's miserable.

The 14-year-old is spending her first Christmas break since her parents died stuck in a house with the only relative she has left: her disowned squib aunt Arabella.

Having never met or even heard of the woman before (purebloods tend to shun their squibs and practically pretend they don't exist) she didn't know quite what to expect. What she didn't at all expect was a particularly large orange ball of fur to attack her as soon as she walked through the front door of number 6 Privet Drive.

"ARGH. Get OFF of me!" she screams as the cat starts scratching her face off.

" Now now don't worry dear that just means he likes you!" she says in an excited tone seemingly completely unbothered by the fact that her niece is getting mauled by her cat.

At this point, the teen's opinion of her newfound relative is to put it kindly, less than stellar and her misery at her new life situation seems to know no bounds. 

The Fawleys are rich purebloods part of the sacred 28. Her parents Hector and Adelaide Fawley weren't very present while growing up, but compared to the other pureblood parents she has met, they were on the better side of the spectrum. Even though they were never really home, they never had time to ingrain that pureblood spiel to her day after day, they would never even outright express their distaste for muggles and muggle-borns but you could see it in the way their lips curled in distaste when the topic would be brought up. 

Personally, the girl didn't have a problem with them and would secretly enjoy the music muggleborns would play at Hogwarts parties. 

What could she say, those muggles knew how to write good music.

She wouldn't qualify herself as completely spoiled, but Arabella Figg's cat-infested house was a large downgrade from her family's idyllic villa, where she can't live anymore because there is no one left that can access the wards apart from her. Since her aunt was disowned and she's a minor, she's forced to live in a house the size of her old living room surrounded by the worst animals to roam the earth until she reaches 17 and can go back to the Fawley villa and live on her own.

The situation wasn't too bad, four years she kept telling herself, you'll be at Hogwarts 9 out of 12 months anyways, the situation could be worse.

This was true, but she was using this as an excuse to deal with the fact that she was just so completely and utterly alone.

She had been alone her entire life, her parents were never around, and they were against her ever meeting anyone apart from her extended family, the Selwyns and the Carrows. That wouldn't have been too bad if all of her cousins weren't 10 years older than her and never gave her a second thought. On the rare occasions they would talk it would be about joining the death eaters and how muggles should all die.

So when all of her family either died or got sent to Azkaban following the Dark Lord's fall, she wasn't sad to see them go.

It was only once she was crumpled on the floor in her new bedroom did she realize how she had no one left, and the realization hit her hard.

Being a Slytherin pureblood during the war meant that the only friends you could have were other Slytherins. She was in her third year and had yet to form a real friendship with anyone from her house because of her family's weird desire to keep her away from her peers and her brand as a blood-traitor.

To make matters worse Slytherin house had been in complete disarray since the fall of you-know-who, with most students losing a large chunk of their families to Azkaban and the multiplying bullying and taunting they had to go through from the other houses.

So yeah, she's completely lonely and that the only thing she can think of as she manages to tear the cat's claws from her face, and runs to her new room, quickly zig-zagging to avoid the neverending sea of cats and slams the door behind her.

It's the only thing she can think of as she sinks to the floor pressed against her door and breaks down, not crying, she hardly ever does that, but just sits there rocking in a small ball contemplating how utterly shitty her life is.

And it's a turning point,

she doesn't care anymore,

she's done,

there's no one left to disappoint anyways.

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