~Chapter 3~

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As he grabs my weave, about to ravish me, Fiona BURSTS in the door and grabs Shrek by the ear and screams, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS TWO DOLLAR WHORE". "EXCUSE ME WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" I scream at her. "I AM HIS WIFE, SHREK WHO IS THIS NASTY BITCH" Fiona screeched. "Ladies, ladies, calm down, there is enough of this sexy beast to go around." Shrek said. "No. I don't want you anymore, you are used goods. Now that you have been inside this dirty tramp, I don't want anything to do with you." Fiona sneers. "Who are you calling a dirty tramp?" I scream at her. "I am calling your raggedy ass-" I cut Fiona off by launching myself at this green lookin thang. We go at it for quite some time, I have snatched her weave and ripped her fake nails off. But she punched me in the face and got blood all up in my nostrils. I punched Fiona's denchers out of her ugly head, and pulled out her hearing aids, Damn, I guess that old hag has no teeth or hearing. How was a sexy man like Shrek ever attracted to this shit face. While I was daydreaming, Fi-whore-na managed to tackle me to the ground, so I kneed her in the vagina, turned her over and knocked her out cold. "Wow that was so sexy how you knocked my crazy ex wife on her ass, now, where were we my naughty little girl." Daddy shrek praises me. It turns me on so much when he calls me his little girl, because I am so cute and little. Shrek whipped out his massive bear cock, oh my gosh its so big! How is it gonna fit! In! My! Tiny! Cute! Body! "C'mon baby, get down on your knees and succ my shlong" Shrek whispered in my ear. So I got down on my knees and started to succccccccc his ween and his ween got even! Bigger! "Wow Shrek its like magic! Your mEmBer got even bigger!" I squealed! "Less talking more succcccing you naughty naughty girl." he growled. Then he grabbed my hair and pushed his massive ween all the way in and he started shaking like hurricane KATRINA. I tasted saltiness, mMMmm finger lickin good ;) "mmmm you are such a goooood little girl, you will make for a lovely slave if yah know what I mean ;)" then he winked at me. "Mmmm i'll be your sex slave any day ;)" I preened at him. We were about to continue our SENSUous ASSAULT but then all the sudden my mother barged in! Man! What can I do to catch a break around here!

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