~Chapter 2~

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"Ahhhh here you are, Y/N GET YOUR SHIT YOU ARE GOING TO LIVE WITH- ahem, excuse me sir... what exactly is your name?" "YOU SOLD ME TO SOMEONE AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR NAME?????" whoever this man was, he was a sexy beast ;) so i am not complaining too much, although I would never admit that to my mother. "My name is Shrek, but you can call me daddy from now on ;)" wow shrek has me tingling in places I never knew I could tingle in ;))))

                                                                             *Shrek's POV*

Wow Y/N looks so delectable, I could just eat her up right here and now ;) oh what I would do to get a taste of her lovely eyeballs ;) I've been watching her for quite some time, so when her mother put an ad on craigslist for her I had to buy her up quick before some perv did. I can't wait to show her my swamp, I bet she is going to love the way I have decorated her room in the basement ;) I just realized I was ogling her for quite some time, I think they just asked me something? "Sorry pardon me" I timidly said "I asked when I can get out of this hell hole!" I heard my beautiful little sweet cheeks ask me. "We can leave now if you would like, I can't wait for you to see my swamp" I said in a sexy voice

                                                                              *Y/N's POV*

Wow shrek is so sexy, i can't wait to see his swamp ;) "yes please let's go now," I pleaded. "Okay, we can get there on my donkey" I heard him say. He picks me up in his strong muscular arms - mmmm he smells like feces, yum yum. We passed my father who passed out drunk in the front yard as usual, I didn't even bat an eye.I gave my mother one last middle finger before he placed me on the donkey and we ride out into the forest that is a five minutes donkey ride from my house.

                                                                         *12 hours later*

We finally get to his swamp, and it is 8 pm, he whisks me up into his arms again, and carries me inside. He tosses me down the staircase, to what I assume is his basement, I like it a little rough. I hissed at him as he comes down the stairs. "You are a naughty one aren't you" he says in an irish accent. "Mmmmm yes so naughty, your breath smells like onions, just the way i like it." he is about to kiss me when we both hear someone barge into his house. "Ughhh it better not be who I think it is, stay down here." he said to me. I obviously don't listen to him and I follow him up the stairs, because I am a naughty little girl. "Turns out it's just a false alarm, but you have been a naughty girl, and I am gonna show you what happens to naughty girls who don't listen to their daddies." he said in a husky voice. I gulped, and shook with anticipation with what is to come next. 

AN: I hoped you like this chapter ;) I bet y'all can guess what comes next ;)))))) some SEXY TIME!

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