Ani-Fics: Demonizing Serena

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Before I start with this section of my Pet-peeves/"how to write Pokémon FF" book, I need to highlight a few things. Firstly, not all writers do this. Secondly, I am an Amourshipper myself, so I will keep it in my best efforts to remain as objective as possible.

Now, to start with this, I bet a few of you might be confused by the title. What I mean by this, is that when I see other pairings I like, being Pearlshipping and Aureliashipping, sometimes Serena is posed as the bad guy.

Now, this is seen with other Pokégirls as well, like Misty. But since Amourshipping is canonical(At least on Serena's side), for other pairings it could be seen as a bit of a hurdle to get over. And the demonizing of Serena is more common for this reason.

Now, there are a few examples I can think of in relation to this.

1. Serena cheated on/dumped Ash, and now he's broken up by it. This one really idealizes the aspect of getting a rebound over a small amount of time. I've also seen this in the case of Misty, and even May once, but again, Serena's case is more common.

2. After his loss in the Kalos League, Serena openly states her distaste for Ash, and eventually throws him away.

3. This one ties into my "Ash Betrayed" section, where Serena tells Ash that he could stop focusing on becoming a Pokémon Master and make a life with her. Later on in the story, however, she tries to regain Ash's trust, sometimes in a way in which she's demonized.

Rarely ever have I seen Serena portrayed as just a supporting character in stories that she wasn't the heroine in. It just baffles me a bit, you know?

-Fandom Brawl

Pokéshipping Vs Amourshipping, a fight as old as 2013-2016 when the Pokémon XY-XYZ series was airing. Now, I wish I could've seen the arguments people always claim to see, but I know that there were pretty good points from both sides. But if you watched the indigo league dub, then some of the points become void...

Now it's said that Amourshipping has the most toxic community, and I can honestly say that yeah, I can see that.  

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