General: Discontinued in Disguise

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This... Is something I hate with a burning passion! I think a few of you can relate when you're reading a story that hasn't been finished yet. You look down to see that dreaded "To Be Continued..." In that orange box.

You think to yourself; "What a great story! I can't wait until the next one comes out!" You look in that same orange box, just to see the last updated date.

"Nov 15, 2017"


You wasted my time! You wasted my time!! I was so invested to know what happened next, but now I'm never gonna know.

Oh, and there's a worse one.

Where the story is publicly discontinued, but this is only stated in the final chapter. This makes me angrier. You literally scammed my time. You catfished me, saying that the story was still ongoing when it wasn't!

They don't put "Discontinued" in the title, but there's an extra chapter saying that it was discontinued. I think that the person still wants reads, comments, and upvotes from others to have the satisfaction.

It just makes me a bit angry to see, I know this is a short one, so if you have any questions about this, I'll answer them by adding them to the chapter.

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