[02.] tropes ⁽ ⁰¹ ⁾.

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― best friend's sibling/sibling's best friend

― couple/best friends that are complete and total opposites but go together perfectly

― "there is no way i am doing that" *camera cuts to the character character doing exactly that*

― love at first sight

― X gets drunk/high and confesses their feelings to Y, the person they have a desperate crush on, who also had no idea and just assumes it's drunk rambling

― *twirls weapon before hitting the villain with it*

― couple made up of a sweet character & literal demon

― character's verbal account of current situation is contradicted by events occurring right behind them as they speak

― witty comebacks

― "we know exactly what we're doing." *cut to group doing something stupid/breaking something*

― it's prom or another formal event and the characters are all dressed in nice, expensive outfits, but the villain shows up and the characters have to fight in their formal attire (bonus if clothes get torn and dirty in the process)

― guy who really loves his wife/kids and won't shut up about it

― X is a tough character that only shows their soft side around Y

― damaged character finally finds happily ever after in the sweetest, cutest partner ever

― dumb & dumber


― really mean looking character who actually is a teddy bear and loves kids and the colour pink and is basically the complete opposite of what you'd expect

― enemies to lovers

― when a character's mom takes control of the situation just by being a mom and forcing the villain into respecting the house rules (bonus if it's at a very climactic part of the story and there was very obviously about to be a brawl)

― "*gasp* what's that over there?!" *character looks over and gives the villain time to escape*

― wallflower noticed by the popular kid

― X recognized Y after not seeing them for years and they stand in the middle of a random grocery store aisle catching up for maybe hours on end and then share a sad and nostalgic hug

― someone thinks they're a monster or just has low self-esteem and their friends and family gather around them and make them feel loved

― characters hate each other but have to stick together to survive

― huge guy, tiny girl/tiny guy, huge girl

― "i think that went pretty well" *loud crash/explosion in the background*

― lovers in denial

― characters are mutually pining over each other but can't be together because of certain circumstances

― omniscient narrator who immediately contradicts the characters ("that's fine," she said. "it was not fine.")

― road trip romance

― evil character becomes good

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