[01.] clichés ⁽ ⁰¹ ⁾.

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― only one bed

― kissing in the rain before running inside laughing

― long lost love

― X holding Y while they cry

― accidentally confessing feelings

― emotional reunions

― being carried while unconscious

― X pulls Y in for a kiss by their necktie

― sharing an umbrella 

― "just tell why you did it!" "because i'm in love with you! i have been forever."

― X running their hand through Y's hair to soothe them

― "you were having a bad day so i got you _____"

― longing stares

― X and Y sitting by a campfire and opening up

― we're about to kiss for the first time but we get interrupted

― keeping watch over unconscious love interest

― fake dating

― X jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted by Y

― "they're using me to get to you."

― forbidden love

― carrying bridal style

― your shirt was laying there and i couldn't help but steal it

― snowed in for the night

― X hugging Y from behind when they make breakfast

― best friends to lovers

― "you clean up nicely"

― a soft smile before leaning in for a kiss

― X catches Y lovingly gazing at them

― super light kisses on skin that tickle and make the person squirm

― hands brushing unexpectedly/on accident

― taking care of the other when sick or injured

― spin the bottle

― X pulling the blankets up around Y to keep them warm

― interrupted confessions

― we literally ran into each other

― "good morning, beautiful/handsome"

― unresolved sexual tension

― argument/screaming match leading to kissing/sex

― X finding comfort in Y, a character they're supposed to dislike

― secret relationship

― trapped in a closet

― accidentally falling asleep on/next to each other

― love potion

― i only realized how important you are to me after we were separated

― X is in a relationship but falls for Y

― no more seats, guess i have to sit in your lap

― good luck kisses

― a gentle touch to the forehead to check for fever

― X cracking a joke to cheer Y up when in a bad situation

― the sudden buckle of a character's knees

― using body heat as warmth on a super cold night

― i'm dying and i'm confessing my love for you

― i'm going to save you from the terrible date you're having

― X comes out to Y and is pleasantly surprised at their response

― friends with benefits and both people catching feelings

― zipping up love interest's dress

― you took a bullet for me

― X pushing Y behind them to protect them

― you're leaving for something dangerous and i kiss you

― X overhearing Y has feelings for them

― you're my ex but i think i still have feelings for you

― enemies to lovers

― mutual pining

― X buys flowers for Y

― dreaming about a love interest

― cuddling in comfortable silence before mumbling "i love you"

― drunkenly confessing feelings

― playing with your hair while your head's in my lap

― X saves Y's life

― blurting out a confession of love in a stressful moment

― "do you know how beautiful you are?"

― truth or dare confessions

― you caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out

― X tracing random shapes on Y

― taking each other's hands during a stressful situation

― saying "i love you" completely randomly

― tending to wounds

― X poorly cooking for Y

― "you shouldn't be here." "i had to make sure you were okay."

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