New Job | Chapter 3

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"Fei, I'm going to work now, promise to behave okay?" I crouched down to Fei who just woke up and caressed her hair

"Yes, mommy" She rubs her eye and goes to the couch, bringing her teddy bear with her and going back to sleep

I chuckled and sighed "Take care of her while I'm out, Mrs. Hwang"

"Of course, don't worry, she's in great hands" The old woman said reassuringly and smiled

"Thank you, I'll be going now, I'll be back before dinner" I put on my black heels and leave the building

"Hey Ji, ready to go?"

"Yep! Come on" These past few weeks, me and Beomgyu got to know each other and became really close

Turns out, he and his friends work as a model in the fashion company I'm working in, what a coincidence, right?

"Come on, you don't wanna be late for your first day of work" I nodded and we walked side by side to the office since it's close

"Oh! You must be Ms. Liao, hi I'm Choi Bomi, I'll be giving you a tour of the office!" A young girl, probably a bit younger, walked up to us and greeted me

"Nice to see you, gyu, glad you're not late this time" She said and put on a sarcastic smile

"Yea yea, me and the boys are going, we have a photoshoot, see you Ji" He waved goodbye and walked away with his friends, entering the elevator

Those two look like they hate each other

Ah reminds me of how me and Yuan Jun used to hate each other

"Sorry bout that, anyways! Let's start the tour" She then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the elevator

"Here's your employee card, wear this at all times so people know you're an employee and not an intruder or such" She handed me the card and I clipped it to my collar

"Oh and, I'm your partner! So you'll be stuck with me the entire time you're here" I giggled and nodded

She seems like a nice girl

The office tour took about 2 hours itself and my feet are tired from walking around the huge building

And the very moment the tour ended, the boss came up to us and gave us a pile of work and said "I want you and your team to design a new fashion collection for women and I want it to launch within 3 months, gather your team and start working"

This is my first day of work and I'm immediately given a huge task?

"Psh, that douchebag always piles up projects on us, like there isn't any other team that could do it" Bomi grunted

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