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αuguѕt 21
dαnnч'ѕ pσv
Woo HOO! Its my birthday! Time to turn up. I walked across the hall to yani room.
me:guess what day it is 😄
Yani: no I love you more
I looked αt her crαzy then ѕhe turned her Samsung galaxy note 3 around αnd ray was there on the screen.
Me:heeeeey ray
Ray: heeeeeey sister happy birthday
Me: thanks
After I talked to ray I went down stairs.
Yanis POV
See I'm devious. I planned a surprise for her birthday. She thinkѕ we αre going to a Beyonce concert. O no boo we αre going to a mindleѕѕ behavior concert αnd the вeѕt part iѕ αfter this ѕhow the tour iѕ over. She iѕ gonna be so happy. Cuz I sure am.
Danny's POV
My birthday is gonna be the best. But the worst thing is my bae won't be able to share The day with me because he can't let his fans down. Well I am a fan and he's letting me down. I put on a green peace sign tee with a white background white pants and green sandals. Yani put on her purple crop tee that said flawless in black words and wore her black tights and purple shorts with her purple kds. See i couldn't wear crop top because my dad is home and he's so pretective.
Me: dad we are going to go meet up with ovauni and Arie at a Beyonce concert.
Mr. Thomas: ok have fun just don't go off getting pregnant
Me: don't worry about me dad I am gonna be fine
I gave my dad a hug

We met up with Arie and Vauni. Arie was wearing a blue shirt that had these emojis 👌🎀👌 and her blue skinny jeans with her blue flip flops. Vauni was wearing a red crop tee that had the word BRUH... In white words her white skirt that had 💯 all over and red vans.

At the concert
The concert hasn't even started and girls are already packed through the doors. I didn't know it would be this bad and I thought it would be more guys because it's BEYONCE .
Yani: it's something we need to tell u
Me: what
Vauni: this isn't a yonce concert it's a mindless behavior concert
Arie: so you'll get to see prince

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