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. . . Marinette POV . . .

My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm Nettie, a famous fashion designer. Currently, I'm 16. Let me give you a recap of my life.

When I was 12 I got my miraculous. I watch as Paris dies over and over again till my cure brings everyone back, it also erases most memories of the Akuma so it isn't that traumatizing for people. I wish I could forget.

At 13 I became the great guardian. Alot of responsibility for a child, barely a teenager.

Then at 14 Lila came. Somehow she turned everyone against me. By the end of that year I had to take away Chat Noirs miraculous, he was misusing it. Turns out Chat Noir was Adrein Agreste. I'm glad I took it when I did.

Because of that liar my parents started distancing themselves from me. The time we would spend together once they closed the bakery was gone.

When I was 15 they kicked me out. Not that they know I'm Nettie. Now I live alone in a small studio appartment. My Uncle Jagged doesn't know thank Kwamii.

Also due to Lila, well and Hawkmoth. Chloe was sent to an expensive boarding school in London. Luka and Kagami are out traveling the world.

I'm all alone. Just me and the Kwamii.
. . .

(So to make this realistic she does sleep but wakes up not even an hour later from nightmares. So imagine her working on a commission and falling asleep for a half hour, at her desk.)

Bleep. . . Bleep . . . Bleep. . .

My alarm blared. I hate waking up. That is the first time I've slept in like two weeks. I finally collapsed from exhaustion and fell into a dreamless slumber. Let me think it is currently 7 in the morning and I collapsed on my bed right after the Akuma fight at 6. So a full 13 hours of sleep. I should be able to run for two more weeks!

I decided to wear my black ripped Jean's and a random t-shirt I made. The first one I dug out of my dresser was my Red Robin one. It is my favorite. If it gets ruined I can always make another one. Can't wait for my day in hell. I grabbed my freshly brewed black coffee. I have a giant travel mug that I can fit the whole pot in. The bitter liquid life.

I grabbed my bag and started walking to school. Class starts at eight so I'm here earlier to avoid the drama that is my class. I'm all cought up on my commissions and needed something to distract myself with. So I started physical training. It didnt tire my mind out at all though. Now I'm in the process of taking multiple online classes after school. I have enough credits to graduate now. Because it is my distraction each class only takes about two months.

I was brushing up on the languages I know, when the liar and her sheep entered the class. Kill me now! "Bruce Wayne thinks of me like a daughter. I am friends with all of his sons. They adore me." The class oh-ed and aw-ed at her. How are they this gullible? I hate how she interrupts every five minutes with a new lie. Miss. B doesn't do anything just let's her lie. We dont learn anything at this point. When it was finally lunch time. I did not move from my spot. I wasn't hungry. My coffee was gone but I could last till school gets out.

When lunch was over Alya stormed up to my desk and slapped me. Apparently I beat Lila up during lunch. This means they are going to try and beat me up after school. Lila finally came in the room surrounded as always by her sheep. She dried her tears. "Marinette was just jealous that I know the Wayne's, and am entering the essay competition they are hosting."

I'm gonna enter this stupid competition. It must be good if Lila is lieing about it. It could be a great distraction, I definitely have the time. When the school bell rang signaling that school is over I disappeared. Like I said I did physical training. Sliding through the crowd of students so my class doesn't see me leave is a piece of cake now. Before that they'd catch me and beat me up after school. I have quite a few scars now.

Okay most are from Akuma battles when I didn't have enough energy left to heal myself with the miraculous cure. I've been so close to death so many times I dont fear it anymore. I just hang on because of my responsibilities.

No new commissions, I finished today's extra online classes. I guess I'll check out that essay competition. So it's a series of essays for this competition one on each of the following topics: inspiration, knowledge, and yourself. Thus should be easy, an essay on what inspires me (the viligents of Gotham), Knowledge (is a power, it isn't just what is learned it is what you can understand) , and myself (the hard one, I'm no one).

The essays have to be submitted by December. Winner will be announced in March. Winning class leaves in April comes home in May. They shall attend Gotham academy while there. I got started right away. By morning the rough drafts for each one were done.

The months passed slowly. I started singing at first as a bonus track for Uncle Jagged. It is now my own sensation. The whole world knows of Nettie the singer and fashion designer. It is a great outlet.

. . . Time Skip . . .

It is finally March. My Kwamii, this year has passed so slowly. Hawkmoth never takes a break. Neither does Lie-la. The only human interaction I willingly have is when I talk to Uncle Jagged. I'm so thankful that the weather is nice again. One of the side effects of my miraculous is that I get really tired when I'm cold. I hate it.

Three in the morning. Nice. I'm currently working on a red Ribin shirt. Then my phone ringed. Kwamii, I hate Mondays. "Hello?" I awnsered my phone. "Hello. Is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" A Male voice asked. "Yes it is. May I ask who is this?" The man on the other side of the phone chuckled. "Bruce Wayne. I'm calling to inform you that you have won the competition." He paused letting the information soak in. "I'll be sending a few representatives to prepare you and your class for the crime capital of the world." My sleep-deprived brain finally caught on to what is happening. "Thank you so much Mr. Wayne." Is all I could say.

1119 words

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