Chapter 14 : The Plan

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Your P.OV.

You walked home and saw your dad and Javier sitting at the round wooden table in your living room.

" Hey." You said

" Hello." The both answered

I sat next to Javier.

" Do you already have a idea?" You asked

"He just arrived." My dad said

" Okay, well this is was what i was thinking. We have to go in the self-sustaining hot air home and then we  just fly  to France."

" Wel yes but is it big enough for all of us?" Javier said

" It depends who will be going." I said

" You, Isadora her brothers and Violet and her siblings me and your dad." He said

" No, I'm not coming if they catch me. It's to risky." He said you saw he was really sad.

" Don't worry dad we will try and come back fast." I said smiling at my dad."

" I hope. Are the Quagmires not sleeping here?"he said.

" No the Bauldelaires don't won't us to take care of them, they felt like it was there responsibility. Dad I'm going to them explain them the plan."

" Okay, be careful." He said

" Ow, wait I will come with you." Javier said

" Okay." I said

" See you kids later." Said dad

" See you dad." I said

" Javier i'm going to wait for you outside." I said

" Okay, I'm going to get my bike." He said whilst going outside to go to his house that was nextdoor.
You waited a few minutes. And than he finally arrived with his bike and his helmet on.
You put on your helmet and jumped on your bike. You guys road 14 minutes. It was getting a bit dark but the moon was shining hard.
You arrived with Javier next to you. You realized that it would be the first time that the Bauldelaires would meet Javier. You took a few steps forward and knocked on the door.

Sunny P.O.V

I knew everyone was asleep. So I went in the kitchen to get a chair. I dragged the chair with me oo the door. I climbed on it too look who was there. It was y/n and a boy next to here. I bet  klaus would be a bit jelly. I opend the door. They came inside.

" Hey Sunny. This is Javier thx for letting us in." she said 

"Bello." I said

" Hello sunny." The boy said.

"  I'm gone get brother."I said I went to klaus and Violets room. I opend the door and said  loudly

" wake up y/n is here." I screamed

"What!" said Violet

"Y/n."  Klaus said slowly waking up.

"Yes."I said wile walking away to go to the Quagmires room and wake them up to.

I woke them up and we went to y/n and the boy.

Your P.O.V

Me and Javier waited a minute. I saw Violet in a with night gown. Isadora had the same but  Violet is a bit taller so it looked like Isadora was swimming in it. I saw Duncan behind them  with red pjs. Quigley had the same one but in green. I saw klaus to, god he had his messy hair agian he was really adorable and he had Beatrice in his arms. He was adorable because he was half asleep he didn't have his glasses on. Because Beatrice was holding them.

" Sorry to wake you up. But we have a plan to get the parents home." I said 

Klaus P.O.V

Sunny woke us up saying that y/n was here. I was scared it may be a fire or something. I ran to Beatrice and took her up with my glasses falling in her tiny hands. We ran back to the rest. Everything was very blurry but I could see y/n with someone next to here.
Beatrice put my glasses on me, was that a boy she was with? He wasn't even ugly. He had  dirty blond curly hair with some grey eyes.

Isadora P.O.V

When I saw Javier my hart stopped. I looked horrible. He couldn't see me like this, so I tried to hide a bit behind my friends.

Javier P.O.V

Elle était magnifique. Avec sa robe de nuit blanche.

I-I mean she was beautiful. With here white night gown.

Your P.O.V

I explained our plan. They all agreed it was a good idea.

" Are we going to work on it tomorrow." Asked Violet.

" Yes okay then we will go back home." I said .

" Okay see you." Said Quigley.

" Bye bye ." Me and Javier answerd.

We went home and we both said we are going meet up tomorrow.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now