From the Book 'The magic of thinking big' by David Schwartz

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The difference between where you are and where you want to be is the steps you haven't taken yet.

Imagine a future version of yourself who freely surpassed your limits.

It isn't what one has that's important. Rather it's how much one is planning to get that counts.

The price tag the world puts on us is just about identical to the one we put on ourselves.

The longer you postponed to jump the the more scared you get.

Imagine what's possible once you stop doubting yourself.

Visualize yourself not as you are but as you can be.

Try to find positives in a negative situation.

Nothing is permanent, until we let it go.

Be determined not to let what you haven't got stop you.

Practice being a big thinker.

The only way to start is to START

Don't spend too much time to get ready to get into action.

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