Melting Heart

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"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

I didn't want to accept Noah's offer. Especially after the way I completely embarrassed and disgraced myself last night. However, something was tugging at my heart. I said yes, in the hopes that maybe we could get back on the right track. Everything I was trying to do was completely failing. I wasn't used to having such hard set backs. What was I doing wrong? 

I walked back towards the main cabin to finish my interrupted breakfast. As I opened the door I nearly ran right into Molly. She looked at me with a question on her face but I just brushed past her. Let Noah explain what was going on because I was just as clueless as her. 

After breakfast I spent the rest of the day sitting beside the lake. I was at war with myself. I didn't want to go to any Bible study, but Noah had personally invited me. Maybe he was trying to tell me something? Maybe I still had a chance? 

"I probably just came on a bit too strong," I said to the chipmunk that was nibbling on something a little ways away from me. "He's a good Christian boy, he's probably used to taking things slow. Maybe... maybe this Bible study thing is his way of telling me that."

The chipmunk just kept nibbling. "Yea," I said, nodding my head, "yea that has to be it. Different approach, okay."

With my spirits lifted and my resolved back I got up and wiped the dirt off my shorts. I just came on too strong for such a good boy. Going to these Bible studies are more his style. I still had a shot!

I walked towards the gymnasium with a huge smile on my face, the lake fun plans I made with Molly far from my mind. 

As I approached the building the butterflies started fluttering again in my belly. Was I making another mistake? No, he had personally asked me to come. I wasn't making the first move this time.

I entered in and was immediately smacked in the face with cold air. The AC in the gymnasium felt amazing. Thank goodness I was wearing a hoodie. Any extended period of time in here would make the AC go from feeling amazing to freezing cold. I did a quick scan of the room before I spotted the Bible study group. I let out a small groan when I realized I spent too much time beside the lake. The study had already begun, I was late. 

Swallowing the urge to run I took a deep breath and started walking towards the group. As I got closer I spotted Noah, but there were no seats available. My pace slowed as I was unsure of what to do now. Noah glanced up and saw me. He smiled and waved me over. I gave a small smile in return and kept walking towards the group. Others in the group turned to look at me as I got closer. Noah got up and grabbed a chair from the pile that was lined up on the wall nearby. He placed it down beside his chair as those around him scooted theirs over to make room. 

Once we were all seated he made the introductions, "Everyone, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is Matthew, George, Melissa, Travis, and June."

I waved at them as they each said their hellos. Noah continued, "So, we were just starting. We are currently studying in Romans. Did you bring your Bible?"

I shook my head, "I don't have one," I said quietly. I briefly remembered the white one in the bottom drawer of my dresser in my room back at the Steadman's house, but I dismissed the thought. I'm not here for that.

"It's okay," Noah smiled, "you can share with me." He leaned closer to me so I could see his Bible too. This was working out perfectly. 

"Ok, so, Romans 10, it is discussing salvation," Noah began teaching, "it gives us guidelines to how we can be saved. Can anyone tell me how we do that?"

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