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As I walk back into the house, I run into my eldest brother. He must have been waiting for father. "Congratulations." He says, the smirk on his face means he knew what this was about the whole time.

"Thank you." I say. He's just trying to get under my skin and rile me up.

Vincent crosses his arms. "So when is dad pulling you from school?" He sounds so full of himself.

I try to brush past him, but he stops me by holding out his arm. "He's not. He's agreed to let me graduate." I look up at him, trying my best not to glare at him.

My words seem to shock him, but he still doesn't let me pass. "Stay here." Yeah right, like I'm going to stand here and wait for him to go convince father to just marry me off and get rid of me.

"Don't." I say quickly, turning to face him as he brushes past me. "Tullio is the one that agreed to let me stay in school first. If you go out there to object, you may insult him." Please don't go out there.

Vincent looks at the door, then at me. "You're one lucky girl, I hope you know that." He says that with a pointed look, then he leaves me. Thankfully he doesn't go outside, and just continues down the hallway. 

If I was truly lucky, then I wouldn't have been born into this family. I walk to my room, and lay down on my bed to stare at my ceiling. My cell phone, which I barely use, buzzes beside me. 

???: Do you by chance have any notes for Algebra?

Me: Um, who is this?

???: Just answer the question.

Only one person would be this difficult.

Me: Why do you need notes for Algebra? Have you not been paying attention?

???: No, I was just wondering, to make sure you're studying.

Me: I don't even have an Algebra class this semester. You're SOL.

???: You're no help at all. Thanks for nothing.

I dig through some of my old notebooks and find my notes from the Algebra class I took last year and take some pictures of them.

Me: Are these what you were hoping for?

???: Possibly, I'll let you know tomorrow.

I chuckle at his shitty response. "Not even a thank you." I sit down at my desk and start to study.

Not even ten minutes later, my phone buzzes again.

???: So what do you do around here on a Friday night?

What is he doing? Is he really so bored that he's trying to talk to me?

Me: As if I would know. I sit at home all of the time.

???: You have no friends that you hang out with? A boyfriend?

Me: My father almost sent people to beat you up for just being around me. What makes you think I have friends, let alone a boyfriend?

My phone starts ringing, and I pick it up.

"Yes?" I ask, knowing who's going to speak up on the other end.

Alex sighs on the other end of the line. "You're telling me you've never had one rebellious teenage moment?"

"Nope." I say with all confidence, and I start to copy down notes as I study.

"You've never done anything to piss off your dad?" He asks, sounding shocked. "That's a little unbelievable. You tend to have the ability to piss me off for doing almost nothing." 

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