The beginning 🤗

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Hello nanbargale , this is Roshini ! I am 22 years old and I have just recently completed my engineering in IT .

I am my parents favourite girl , and I have a brother who is working in an IT company. And we both always fight like warriors but when others tease us , we always stand beside eachother .

I have two friends varsha and Priya ! We three from childhood studied together and we are neighbours. They are the bestest friends for me ! Their family is like mine ! We always hang out in anyone of our houses and our parents always know that as they are also friends !

I am a normal girl , with fair skin tone , long black hair reaching upto my hip , a chubby body not fat nor slim , music lover , family addict , and most importantly I want to get married by meeting a person , getting to know eachother, fall in love , get married with our parents permission and live a happy life together ! I am a imaginary girl , I always think of how my man will be , how he will take care for me and so on...

I know , you will have a question , why I didn't get commited yet , you know I had little crush on few , but no-one created a unique feeling in my body . You know like in movies , when I see him , my heart should flutter , I couldn't bare myself in his strong gaze , I stutter when I try to speak to him when we are close , my brain should not think of anything than him , I should forget the whole universe when I am around him. But , no-one I have ever met gave me atleast one of the feeling ! That's why I am waiting for my man . My man will defeinetly come in my way !

Ok , let's come back to the present !

Amma : Roshini ! Wake up ! It's 8 am !

Me : Maa ... leave me, I have no college right , let me dream about my man some more time!

   I said sleepily and nuzzled in my bed more , when she took my hand and grabbed me to sit !

Me : Amma !

Amma : What amma , go and get ready !

Me : Uff ! You are not allowing me to sleep ! I will inform Appa that you are disturbing me !

Amma : Your Appa was the one who asked you to get ready !

Me : Ok , where are we going?

Amma : We aren't going anywhere ! Groom's family is coming to see you !!

Me : WHAT !!!

Amma : Varsha and Priya will help you get ready ! In an hour they will come !

Me : Amma but...

Amma : Sorry maa ! You know your appa is so strict in this thing ! I tried to talk to him , but seems like the groom is your dad's bestfriend son ! So , you know how much he value their friendship ! Get ready !

    She left me , I sat there stunned ! I am getting married ! Is this the right time ! What will happen to all of my dreams ! God ! Please help me ! If their family said they like me , that's it ! My dad will defeinetly fix marriage soon ! Please , make them hate me ! And soon Priya and varsha entered in !

Priya : Oii , are you ok ?

Varsha : Amma said you aren't interested in this !

Me : Yes ! But you know appa right ! I have no other option!

   I said gloomy and went to the bathroom ! I refreshed myself and had a bath and came out ! My friends handed me my dress which my mom selected and I got changed in it . And I didn't wanted to wear makeup ! I am good looking naturally , so I applied my vaseline on my body and applied kajal to my eyes , kept a bindi on my forehead and tied my hair in a braid !

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