Chapter 9: The first day

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^Madison's Room


Madison's POV

I was having a good dream about what we would do on vacation, then suddenly the car stopped. Slowly I started to open my eyes and I saw a huge house with the ocean right behind it. Then another car pulled up beside us, it looked like the boys, so I quickly took out my pacifier. Then I look around the car and everyone else is already out and the trunk is open, then my door opens and I see dad smiling at me, I give a small smile back.

"Hi, baby how'd you sleep." He said while smiling.

"I slept ok, I want to get out so I can stretch though."

"Ok, do you need any help or can you get out. So I can start helping bringing everything inside." He said while unbuckling me.

"I think I got it, and then I can help you guys get everything."

"No, it's ok princess just get your backpack and we'll get everything else." He said walking away.

I slowly start to get out of the car making sure that I don't fall. Once I get out I grab my backpack and put my cup in the side pouch, and then I grab bean and close the door. After that I start walking to the house, once I get inside I here the boys screaming about who gets what room. I just get inside and sit on the couch and wait until dad tells me which room is mine.

Third Person POV

The boys have gotten all of there stuff inside and are now running around trying to figure out who gets what room. They still have no clue that they will be sharing, and Maddie is just relaxing and waiting about what room is hers.

Mark and Jasmine keep going in and out trying to get everything inside, and then they plan on telling all of the kids who's sleeping where. "Everyone to the living room please" Mark yells after everything is inside.

All you can hear are loud footsteps running down the stairs, it sounded like a heard of elephants. Once everyone was there and seated, they started explaining the room assignments.

"Maddie you will have your own room, Mark and I will share. And for you boys the twins will be in one room and then Jackson you and Daniel will share." Jasmine explained while the boys groaned.

"The rooms are all in the same area so its not that hard to find yours, Maddie yours is right next to ours, across from Maddie is Jackson and Daniel, and then Carson and Cory yours is right next to theirs. And the bathrooms are all connected to the rooms." Mark explained.

Then the boys all started asking questions at once.

"Why do we have to share a room?"

"That's not fair she gets her own room."


"I guess that's fine."

The first two statements and questions were from the twins, then Jackson, and then Daniel.

"The reason Maddie gets her own room is because she's the only girl, and the twins are sharing because you're twins and there are no other rooms. And the other two are sharing because there are no other rooms in the house." Jasmine explains while looking at the boys surprised by them complaining.

Mark's POV

Me and Jasmine just finished telling them the room assignments and were both pretty surprised on how the twins reacted. But I guess they could have thought we got a big enough house for everyone to have their own rooms, but even if we didn't they shouldn't be complaining that my baby girl got her own room. I mean she's the only girl and the youngest, so obliviously she would have her own room.

"Come on Maddie lets go see your room, so you can start unpacking some." I say while picking up her suitcase.

"Ok, daddy." She says while smiling at me.

We start heading upstairs and I already know she's not going to really like the room she's staying in. It's really little Kiddush, because were renting this from Jasmines friend that has a little girl so that's the room she's sleeping in.

Madison's POV

When we walk into the room that's going to be mine for the rest of the week, I don't really know how I feel. There's a twin size bed under the window with stuffed animals and a pink blanket on it, and the there's a wall with flowery wallpaper and a teal dresser in front of it with a unicorn sitting on it.

"So, what do you think princess?" My dad asks while setting my suitcase down.

"It's ok, just very pink and Kiddush. It will be ok for just the week, since I'll mostly just be sleeping in here."

"I know it's not what you really want, but thank you for having a good attitude about it." He says while hugging me. "Because you know this is Jasmines friends house so this is there daughters room, whenever they come on vacation."

I just nod my head and say a small ok. Then he leaves saying for me to unpack and that he's going to too, in case I need anything.

Jackson's POV

After Mark and Maddie go upstairs, I go and grab my suitcase. After that I start heading upstairs, when I get to mine and Daniels room, he's already there starting to put his stuff away.

The room is gray, with two twin beds on either side to the room with a dresser in the middle, that has two drawers for each of us. Then there's another door which I'm guessing is the bathroom, with a chair sitting next to it. The only difference between the beds is one of them has light blue blanket with sharks on it and the other has a dark blue one with crabs on it.

"Hey, Daniel which bed do you want?"

"I don't care, but maybe you should have the one with the crabs because your always crabby in the morning." He says while smirking at me.

"Ok, but I'm not crabby every morning." I say while pouting.

Cory's POV

Mom and Mark just got done explaining where everyone is sleeping, and so we started to head to our rooms. I mean I was really hoping that I got my own room, but whenever we go on vacation me and Carson are always the ones sharing, and the always use the excuse that were twins.

The room was okay it's blue with two twin beds, two nightstands, and a dresser. Then there's another door that leads to the bathroom, the blankets on the bed are both gray and exactly the same, except one has a orange and one has a yellow pillow.

"Which bed do you want?" My twin asks.

"I'll take the orange I guess, and then we both take part of the dresser."

"Ok works for me." He says while putting down his stuff.


Please comment who's your favorite character.

I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry it took so long to update.

I'm going to start posting on Sunday's since I'm about to start college, and that will be my only free day.

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