Chapter 8: The Car Part 2

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^Mark's Range Rover Sport


Daniel's POV

Everything has been kind of peaceful since we got back in the car and it's easier now since Jackson is in the other car and I don't have to worry about the twins messing with him. Until the twins started arguing and yelling. "Why are you yelling we are in the car?"

"Because he started it, he took my game for my switch" whined Carson.

I swear they argue about the most stupid things. "That doesn't mean you guys need to argue or yell in the car."

"It's not your game, Mom bought us the game to share and you always play it so it's my turn." Cory finally spoke up.

Carson just stared. "That doesn't mean when I'm bout to play it you take it from me."

"Why don't you just play a game that you can play together, so you can stop all of this arguing. Because if not I'll just take them for the rest of this 5 hour trip." I said rolling my eyes at them.

After that little argument the car got a little quieter, other than them talking about what they need the other person to do.

2 Hours Later

Madison's POV

We've now been in the car for another 2 hours, and me, Dad, Jackson, and Jasmine have just been talking and playing car games together. Except I'm starting to get bored, and that never turns out good. So I decided to ask dad for my Ipad, "Hey, Daddy."

"Yes, Madison. What do you need?"

"Did you pack my Ipad, it wasn't in my room last night when I was packing?"

"Yes. It's in the backpack in the floor, why?"

"Because, I'm starting to get bored and I want to practice my piano. I don't want to get behind for not being in my lesson this week."

"Yes, you can get it but put your headphones in. I don't think everyone wants to hear it."

"Ok, thank you Daddy." I smiled at him. I tried to reach my bag but I couldn't, because of being in this stupid car seat. "Hey Jackson, can you please get that backpack for me?"

He looked at me struggling and said "Sure." He handed it to me and I got my Ipad and headphones out. After that I just put the bag beside me, just in case I needed anything else from it.

After getting everything set up, I start practicing. Trying my best to concentrate and on playing the right notes, it's a little harder being on a Ipad and being in the car though.

Jackson's POV

We've been in the car a while now, and it's kind of boring. Madison just started playing something, before that we were playing car games altogether. I already know that the boys wouldn't do that unless mom forced them too.

She seems like a pretty cool kid, I learned a lot about her while playing the games. She plays the piano and sings, also she loves to play sports, and hates shopping. Mom wasn't very excited when she heard her say she hates shopping. I know she's always wanted a little girl that she could bring shopping and spend a girls day with. I also found out that she loves any kind of Disney, but I kind of already knew that after she said she wanted to go to Disney, and when the first night we met her and watched Beauty and the Beast.

I'm already starting to like her more, I feel like the twins are going to be bad at showing emotions and they're going to pretend that they don't care. That's what they do to everyone when they first meet them, but they also did this to me when I was younger, and I'm their brother. And Daniel has been around her the least and out of all of us boys he cares about her the most, but I think that's because he's always wanted a little sister.

I was just thinking about things and just in my head looking out the window until I heard singing. At first I thought it was just the radio, until I looked next to me and saw Maddie in her own world playing the piano and singing, not paying attention to anyone around her. She has such a pretty voice, she could be a singer or musician when she get's older.

2 Hours Later

Jasmine's POV

We still have about 2 more hours until we get to the house were renting, and then we have to figure out where everyone is sleeping. It will probably be Mark and me in one room, Maddie has here own room, the twins will share a room, and then Jackson and Daniel will share a room. It's past lunch time but we ate a little late, and I'm starting to get hungry so is Jackson. Maddie hasn't complained about anything other than the car seat, which hasn't happened since we first got back in the car. We decided to stop at Burger King, so that's where were headed now.

After eating

Third Person POV

They still have about 2 hours left and Mark told Maddie it was time for her to take a nap. Jasmine just looked at him and he gave her the look that said he would explain later. Maddie looked a little nervous because Jackson was now in the car and she was nervous he would say something or do something to embarrass her in the future. I mean why wouldn't he or would he do that to her. It seemed like they were getting along to her. She finally just decided to take the nap and listen to her dad since she didn't want to get in trouble. So she got her blanket, bean, and pacifier. And slightly turned towards the window, since they were tinted and Jackson couldn't really see her.

Jackson on the other hand didn't understand why she had to take a nap and why she turned so no one could see her. Maybe she was embarrassed, that she had to take a nap, I mean I don't know why she would be. He would never do anything to embarrass her because he wouldn't want anyone to do it to him.

At the Beach House


I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry it took so long to update.

Please Comment on what activities they should do and how you think the twins are going to act.

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