Chapter 20 - Visiting

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I woke up the next day with a dull ache in my neck and a weight in my chest. As I gathered my thoughts and stepped into a cold shower, I realised something. This was the first time in a long time that I had some time to myself. Not like I never had freedom after work, but I'd never really had a vacation since I received my badge. Call me a workaholic all you want, but that was the truth.

And the weight was a holdover from yesterday. I felt awful, emotionally. I guess I was still taking in how severe everything was. Or the initial shock was only just starting to hurt. But I couldn't help but feel guilty about what I'd done. I let the shower water run over me for a while, fists clenched, trying my best to hold it together.

Then I remembered Dylan's words. What's done was done. All I could do was look to the future and prepare for it.

I finished my shower and made myself some breakfast, using up the last of my bacon as a little pity treat for myself. Then I grabbed my phone and wallet and left to visit Evelyn. I would've taken my bike but my neck still hurt and I didn't want to make it worse. The train was a less risky alternative.

In between staring at my phone, reading the news and catching up on my Twitter feed, I took to staring out the train windows. My thoughts were less scrambled now, thankfully. The coffee helped me focus. I didn't know what to expect but I sure as hell hoped she wasn't strung up in a body cast like a cartoon. It wouldn't have been funny. More ironic. And a lot sadder.

As I entered the hospital, I approached the reception desk. The man there had just finished with another visitor so he paid me his full attention when I walked up.

"Good morning, sir! How may I help you?"

"Hi, yeah I'm here to visit a patient. An Evelyn Troy?"

"One moment, sir."

He started typing away on the computer in front of him while I leaned an elbow on the counter. The bustle of the hospital lobby was rather light for an early morning, but then I probably wasn't seeing the whole picture. As I waited, my attention returned to the desk clerk, who had a puzzled expression on his face. Moments later, he looked up at me and shook his head.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't find an 'Evelyn Troy' anywhere in our database. Are you sure you have the right name? Do you have her ID number or phone number?"

I rattled off Evelyn's number and the clerk tried again. A moment after, he shook his head again.

"Nothing, sir. Are you sure you're at the right hospital?"

"Uh... Yeah? This is New York Presbyterian, right?"

"Yes sir. I, unfortunately, can't find this lady in our database."

"Hold on."

I excused myself and moved away from the counter, pulling my phone from my pocket. I dialled Dylan's number and he picked up after the second ring, as he always did.

"Hey, Danny boy! You up and about already?"

"Dylan, listen: do you know where Evelyn is?"

He took a second and I heard what sounded like a disbelieving chuckle. I'd have to get him for that later.

"She's at the hospital, Dan. New York Presby?"

I glanced back at the reception desk, where the clerk was now talking to another visitor, then went back to my phone.

"I know!" I hissed at Dylan. "I'm standing in the lobby and the guy at the counter told me that Evelyn's not in their database. So if she's here, then where the hell is she?"

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