A fairytale ending

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*about a month later! Jessica and her classmates had all graduated and are now starting their summer break. Tommy started his chemo treatment and was starting to loose his hair. he didnt like that about himself so he would always wear hoodies and have his hood up whenever he was around anyone other than his mums*

Annie: *saw that Tommy was sat out in the garden alone, so she went out to keep him company and to check up on how he is doing* hey there Kiddo! *walks out the back door and goes to sit infront of Tommy on the grass*

Tommy: hey Mum! *mindlessly plays with the grass and doesnt make any eye contact*

Annie: how you feeling? *already knows the answer but still wants to hear it from him*

Tommy: very tired and upset that im loosing my hair. *sighs because he never really thought that loosing his hair was gonna be a big deal. but now he is getting into his head and worrying that Jessica wasnt going to like him like this*

Annie: i know it sucks honey, but it will grow back one day. we just need to get you through all this chemo stuff then you will be able to have your beautiful head of hair.

Tommy: yeah! i just dont want people to start seeing me differently just because ive got no hair... what if jessica hates it and wants to break up with me because im no longer the guy she once saw all those years ago.

Annie: *hates that her son is taking so bad about himself and making him feel small. so she repositions herself so that she is right next to him with her arm round him to holding him tight* nobody sees you any differently. you are still that funny, smart and charming kid that we all fell in love with. and im sure Jessica thinks the exact same and will love you for as long as humanly possible *smiles at Tommy*

Tommy: thanks mum! i will do whatever it takes to fight off this horrible disease for you guys and Jessica. *smiles at Annie*

Annie: thats my boy! *smiles at Tommy then kisses him on the head* ...i love you so much!

Tommy: i love you too!

Annie: would you like anything to eat or drink? you've not had much today.

Tommy: sure! could i have a glass of iced water please? *looks at Annie*

Annie: yeah! ill go get that for you now! *smiles at Tommy them gets up to go back inside*

Jessica: *she got her drivers license after she graduated so now she is able to make surprise visits to see Tommy. like she is doing right now* hello annie, may i come in and see Tommy? *stands at their front door*

Annie: of course you can! hes just chilling out in the garden* steps aside so Jessica can come into her house*

Jessica: *walks through the hall, too the kitchen and right out the back door* hey Stud! *saw Tommy sat on the drass with his hood up, playing with the grass infront of him*

Tommy: *looks up towards his house as soon as he heard Jessica* Hey cutie! *cant help but smile when he sees Jessica walking towards him and sitting down infront of him*

Jessica: thought id come and give you a surprise visit while my mums are busy with work and i was left bored in the house. *smiles*

Tommy: so do they know that you have went A-wall or will they be sending out a search party for you later? *laughs*

Jessica: dont worry, i phoned Tana and she was more than happy for me to come over to see you. of course she still gave me that warning of no funny business while our parents arent around. but i just laughed at her because she knows that im not the kind of girl that only gets in a relationship just to make out. *laugh*

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