'I could never be like him🦋

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~The next day

I woke and it was snowing outside. I was so happy cause I finally got to pop out this weekend with my outfits. While I was getting ready to go I got a call.

Yooo y/n you busy?
Nah wassup is something wrong? Nova okay?

She's good ig but I just got my car I wanted to know if you wanted to ride with me
I mean yeah I don't mind why you not driving with nova??

We had an argument and he's riding with kuroo
And bokuto
Okay Bett I ain't even gonna ask, you know my address?!

Yeah and I'll be there in a min so get ready I'm omw
Read 9:14

It was a Friday and I was happy cause Saturday we were all going to the movies after I got ready and I headed downstairs to see my dad sleeping on the couch with his paperwork so I grabbed some pineapple in a cup and kissed him on the head and left to head to akaaski's car .

"Heyyyyy akaaski"

"Wassup y/n"

"You look nice today" he also said

"Thanks" I got in the car wondering why he was so nice to me

"Got a new skirt??"

"No actually"

"Want my jacket? Ik you don't have kuroo "

"Uhh no I'm good "

"Oh.... Okay that's fine"

While he was driving and I mean he was looking sexy and everything I had to realize/remember that he had nova and nova was sooo pretty but he made it seem like there relationship is falling apart. Why did he act like he cared about my relationship life yesterday, and why is he being nice, why is he picking me up in his car. I needed this questions answered but I couldn't ask him that would be weird.

"You okay your thinking a lil to hard about something"

"Oh sorry"

"Don't be what are you thinking about??"

"Ohhh you know that guy on your team... konoha"


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