What about her?🦋

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Y/n was waking up out her bed she had woke up with a headache and she wanted to sleep in until she hear her dad knocking at the door.

"y/nnnnn, get up and ready for school I'm about to leave your stuff is on the table"

"okay I'm up"

He couldn't had knocked at a better fucking time and then you got a gc call from your besties and akaashi.

Bokuto: HEYYYYYY BABY OWL!!!!!!!!!

y/n: stop yelling Kotaro Bokuto pls

kuroo: oh shit she's really mad

bokuto: Did I do sum baby owl ?

y/n: no but I have a big ass headache

kuroo: Did you get it last night?

y/n: not that I recall, akaashi did I?

Akaashi: uhh nah you didn't

kuroo: yoo akaashi where was nova doesn't she always support you at practice and things of that nature

y/n: who's nova

bokuto: His girlfriend

y/n: I wanna meet her she seem so sweet

kuroo: eh she always so happy like give that shit a break sometimes

Akaashi: yeah well she was away this week she came back yesterday

y/n: okay well I'm about to get ready

kuroo: ohh and we are buying you a new skirt

Akaashi: wrd

Bokuto: well I kinda like it *winking at me*

y/n: Are you hittting on me bestie

bokuto: shut up, go get ready

I then hanged up and got in the shower and got ready your skirt looking fine today maybe it was just yesterday. Then she was walking to her room to get her bag and her skirt was rising but atp you didn't care you put on Akaashi jacket and walked outside to the boys in the car.

"THERE GOES MY BABYYYYY" bokuto was yelling out the roof 

"Oh just baby today huh" smirking at him

"I mean you looking really good in that jacket matter a fact just wear mine" bokuto pointed out

"I'll think about it" you said walking to the car sitting next to akaashi

"I kinda need that back were picking up nova" he said to me

"ohh shit yeah np" taking it back and giving it to him. " Baby can I have yours"

"who me?" Bokuto said

"no owl, I'm talking to kuroo"

"It's back there behind my sit in the packet"

"okay... got it" you put it on smiling and you peep that kuroo was looking at his mirror looking at you smiling as well. But akaaski looked at you and seemed a lil mad that you were wearing it. Then y'all stopped infront of this big as house I was wising that I could live like this.

Akaashi and I 😍✨ (akaashi x blackreader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin