Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

"Milly get up here!'' My mom screamed from upstairs,

''Fi-ne"I groaned and got up from from the couch I was sleeping on, yes I said couch.

I went to the kitchen and I opened the refrigrater, took out some orange juice and I settled myself on the counter.

"Milly hurry up!''My dearest mother, once again screamed at me, but me-I was finishing my orange juice.

''I said fine mom!"I drank the rest and threw away the empty orange juice container,

"Hurry!" she yelled, she sounded immpatiant but oh-well. A point for me.

"Mom, Stop yelling!" I groaned and silently wished she'd just be quiet. I marched up the stairs and past my brother's door. My brother came out of his room,"What's going on, Milly?"he asked confused,"I dunno.."I shrugged,"I guess she finally lost it."

My brother nodded silently,looking torward our moms' door."Guess so." he looked at me"Or maybe you lost it."I shook my head,"Nope i'm perfectly normal!"I said,"Yeah..right."
"I am!"I argued,"Not."My brother winked at me and ran to his room trying to muffle his laughing, while I shook my head at his childish antiques, "Seriously, Brandon, your 16 years old, not 6years old !" I yelled after him,

I walked to my mom's room and stopped dead in my!? "Dad!?"My mom was crying her eyes out, my dad was laying in a puddle of blood with a note in his hand, I walked over to where my mom was with tears in my eyes and took the note out of dad's hand and read it and more tears came:



King F

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