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So... uh i don't know HOW to explain this but first thanks a bunch for 1.6k 

ok lets get to the point as you guys probably know i haven't posted since May and sadly school will be starting soon too so i may or may not post during the school year but if you guys want if i do post it'll most likely be on the new book i made but there's a small chance i will since i have a whole bunch of advanced classes making me have a whole bunch of homework which'll really suck and since i also do martial arts during the weekends i might not be able to post then too (plus i kinda may have lost my computer... hehehe 😅😭😭 i'm doing this on my sisters computer and it'll be kinda hard once i start going to school to do my hw so i'll probably have to find that soon...) but i can try to post while i still have some summer break left if you guys really want... but i'm really sorry i haven't been online or posting. oh yeah and happy late bday namiii i may or may not do something special but it's almost midnight where i am and i'm kindaaa tireddd soooooo i'll check this tomorrow most likely

GOODNIGHT YOU GUYS AND THANKS A BUNCH FOR 1.6K ONCE AGAIN!!! -Author San (Editor 'bro' is kinda sick so he won't be able to edit for a while 😥 which means i'll have to edit 😪😥)

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