Please stop fighting guys

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Sanji and Zoro were still mad at each other for majority of the week which made you and the kids start to lose hope "Sanji... Zoro, Can you two please stop fighting, Think of the kids they need their father, they need their rock, even i'm starting to lose hope for you two, this whole time Usopps been a better father to them then you two ever have been, he's been encouraging them and making them happy." you said to them sadly then they smirked at each other and lifted you up "Hey! Where are you bringing me!?" Sanji smirked at Zoro "See we've been planning this, this whole time, and this will be one of the only times you see us do teamwork" Sanji said as zoro threw you on the bed and ripped of your clothes "Shit how'd you get wet so fast!?" Zoro said then got down to your pussy and licked it clean then Sanji flipped you on top of him and put his y'know in your pussy and Zoro put his y'know in your butthole "Ughmmn" you moaned as they thrusted faster then you felt Zoro's member growing "SANJI LETS SWITCH I'M CLOSE" Then sanji got you off of him and flipped you around then Zoro put his member in your pussy and lets it in you "Zoro~ mmn" you moaned "Yes say my name kitten" he said then he picked you up letting Sanji lye back down and he put you on top of Sanji "Ride me Amor~" Sanji demanded then you put his member in your pussy and bounced on it making him moan then you felt his member grow bigger and bigger "I'm gonna cum sweetheart, can you take it?" Sanji said then you nodded your head and he cummed in you making you moan "you're getting quite tight amor, want Zoro to take care of you" Sanji said as you bounced but you didn't answer but then Sanji flipped you over and gave you to Zoro and damn did Zoro handle you well "Mmn you're so fucking tight kitten" he said then he took his member out and fingered you making you yelp as he went faster then he put his member back in and thrusted faster and faster "Cum kitten cum!" He said as he thrusted one last time "Ahgggg~" you moaned as you cummed "Good Kitten" Zoro said smirking as he bit your neck giving you a hickey "Up for another round mi amor~?" Sanji whispered in your neck making you groan "Ok seems you're getting pretty, impatient looks like you need a punishment Amor, Right Zoro" Sanji said smirking at Zoro.

1 hour of rounds later...

"good job amor~ i think we're done for the day" Sanji said as he layed down (you were all now full clothed ofc) next to you and Zoro "Well said Sanji" Zoro said making you feel a bit better *Knock Knock*  you got up exhausted to see who was at the door "Hey Zuri... Uh. Looks like you worked things out?" Usopp said in a almost sad tone "Hey i need to talk to you lets go" you said grabbing his wrist and going downstairs "Don't worry i know you love them you don't need to ac-" Usopp started saying but then stopped when he felt a pair of lips on him "I'm so s-sorry" you said with a shaky voice "N-no need Zuri i know you don't love me.. plus who would like someone with this ugly nose of mine" Usopp said touching his nose but then you slapped him  "YOU AREN'T UGLY. I'M JUST A UGLY ASSHOLE WHO WAS A LIVING JERK TO YOU! YOU DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE TREATED THAT WAY AFTER ALL THOSE TIMES YOU WERE THERE FOR BOTH ME AND MY KIDS" You said in between tears then you felt him kiss you "You aren't Ugly or a Jerk... you might be an Asshole but you still are the most beautiful thing i've ever and will ever see" Usopp said making you chuckle a bit at how he agreed that you were an asshole "You can't ever stop me from loving you or your kids and i can't stop you from loving Zoro and Sanji, that's just the way things are" Usopp said smiling "NO, No, no, I do love you, I love you with all my life shit i was probably only attracted to Sanji and Zoro, you're the most kind-hearted person i've ever met, it's not fair, for me or you." you said crying some more "Don't cry. I'll accept you no matter what" Usopp said caressing your cheek "It's not Fair damn it IT'S NOT F-ING FAIR You've been so kind to me, AND THIS IS HOW IT ENDS *Looks at camera* YOU AUTHOR SAN!" you said making me and Usopp confused af "Uhh who's Author San?" Usopp said trying to look where you were looking "Uhm... I'm Author san and wtf is going on? How can you see me and how tf do you know i'm here" I say putting my cabbages inside my cart "YOU CAN'T END IT LIKE THIS! MAKE ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!" You say as i just look at you like 0-0 "Uhm... I was going to do that anyways but... Ok? And WASSUP USOPP MY MAN" I say smiling "Uh? Nothing much Wassup!" Usopp says still trying to find me "Ne-he this will be important" I say slyly 


Bruh How tf did you find me my guy -Author San

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