Dare 23

110 2 11

Dare from_Lexscallion_

Dare: Rico pull a prank on Byron

Rico: Ok, now I just need to think of a prank

*He figures out what to do and goes off to find Byron. He gets to Byron*

Byron(see's Rico): Would you like some snake oil extract?

Rico: Yes

Byron: Then give me the money

*Rico hands him some coins*

Byron(about to hand Rico the extract): Potential satisfaction guaranteed

*Rico gets the extract, takes off the lid and the liquid in the container on Byron*

Rico(pointing at Byron): Hah! Get pranked!

Byron(glaring at Rico): You'll pay for that

Rico(mockingly): You and what army?

8 bit(kicking down the door, pissed off): RICO WHERE'S MY LUCKY COIN!?I

Rico: AGH!

*Sorry if this is terrible and took so long, wasn't really sure what to do*

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