Dare 3

197 3 9

Dare From AimBoi7

Dare: Dare for Rico to shoot Piper out of match(can be anywhere in Brawl Town)

Rico: Why do I have to shoot Piper?

8 bit: Because it's a dare and if you don't do it we'll have more evidence that you're a simp.

Rico: You don't get to talk you're a simp for my sister

8 bit: Shut up squishy

Rico: No, well I'm going to go do the dare now. Good bye!*Rico runs off*

Piper: Hi Rico

Rico: Piper I just want to say I love you and I'm sorry

Piper: I love you two, but why are you saying sorry?

Rico: For this*kills Piper*

*Respawn noise plays*

Rico: I'm going to go say sorry again*runs to the respawn point*

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