Song lyrics: Unkempt hair

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 You sit in dignity,

Despite your unkempt hair

Surrounded by broken dolls,

You just don't seem to care.

Keep that anger

You'll need it real soon.

Just be careful, don't let it

Consume you.


I hope I haven't steered you wrong.

Have I only shown you?

The noble art of the clown?

To risk all and not be found.

You stand in dignity,

Despite your unkempt hair,

Turning circles, talking to

The empty air.

You turn the world upside down,

Find the good, come up for air.

You've got me thinking.

I don't have to despair.


I hope I haven't steered you wrong.

Have I only shown you?

The noble art of the clown?

To risk all and not be found.

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