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  For Bea, Sam, and Olivia.

After the working week,

Having finally finished

the toing and froing,

the hurlyburly hurricane of routine.

We break our night's fasting together

In the warmth of the kitchen,

The oven of the family.

We are no longer on different timetables.

Now morning has come.

The day has just begun.

Your smiles shred off

All my sins.

Daughter takes an idiom

From her basket of refrains,

Son sets the table

Cups, bowls, and spoons,

Four of the same.

Wife binding us like egg and flour,

Pours the pancake mix, lemon zest sour.

Now morning has come.

The day has just begun.

Your smiles shred off

All my sins.

We share stories and break bread.

The children squabble, jostle for attention.

Still cranky in their sleepy heads.

I break them up, give fair adjudication.

"Long live brothers and sisters able

To war at the breakfast table!"

Now morning has come.

The day has just begun.

Your smiles shred off

All my sins.

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