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Ahh Saturday the weekend Sam thought, she takes her phone in her right hand and looks on all of her social media sites. sams phone starts ringing "AHHH! It's Tom okay, okay stay cool", "oh hey tom", "hey Sam what are you doing this weekend", "ummm... nothing why?", "I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight?" "Yeah shore I would like that", "okay cool I will pick you up at 6:00", "great", bye sam" "see ya later Tom, bye".

"OMG!!!! What am I going to wear?" Sam said to herself, She hoped up quickly and opened her closet door. "so many things to choose from!" 10minutes later "THERES NOTHING TO WEAR!!!", "No!, Wait yes I do, oh but it's in the wash, ahhhh!! Chickens" shouted sam "ewwww it smells like feet" as Sam pulled her outfit out of the dirty laundry and since it smelt like feet she sprayed it with perfume. "oh okay (cough, cough), to much perfume!" As sam sneezed.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock!", "Oh gosh he's here" as she straitened out her hair and pulled a kiss face in the mirror.
"SAM! You're friends here" Sams mum shouts, "okay mum!" Sam shouts back, Sam runs up to the door "hey tom", "hey Sam i like your top" smiled Tom, "aw thanks" Sam smiled back. "Im leaving mum" shouts Sam "bye sweety" shouts SAMs mum, please smell good, please smell good said Sam say in her head.
"Wow you smell nice, oh um.. okay that sounded weird" as tom opens the gate for Sam "hah! Thanks" as they walked down the road, "I want to take you to this cool place before the movie starts, I went there last week when we first came here, it's really good!" Smiled Tom "okay yea shore but not as a date right?" Said Sam as she blushed "well it could be" Tom winked "haha I want to get to know you better" said Tom "I don't really know anyone" as they sat down after they ordered there meals, "same, how was your old school like, such a social statice, grades, teachers?" Sam asked as the meals slid onto the table.

"At my old school I was a jock I love my sports very dedicated won lots of awards until my... Well yea that's not important, I had lets say lots of friends, you know top of the social statice, grades wore good, teachers you know teachers!" Smiled Tom "wow that's cool, so a popular with the girls I might say, a player??". "No, no, I didn't go out with anyone!", "Well that's surprising, good looking tall handsome, kind smart!" Just realising what she said, "oh I mean, who am I kidding look at you" blushed Sam "oh, wow thanks haha but not really, look at you let me guess, tried to play it cool but comes across cute, beautiful, smart, kind enough to go to lunch", "hah!" Laughed Sam, "what happened about that happened with your sports? You kind of cut off then?!" Said Sam curiously "oh no, that's not important, its kind of hard to take about, sorry!", "omgoish sorry, I didn't mean to" said Sam panicked "no,no,no!! It's fine"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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