Letting Go.... Moving On.... Chapter 12

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Kathy’s P.O.V.

I stood at my closet wishing I had taken the time to go clothes shopping since I’ve been here. Everything I had been what I brought with me from home and none of it seemed right for tonight’s date. Date? That’s what Tony had called it when he had talked about it in front of Logan and the she devil…. But is that what it really was, or was that just him helping me out with Makenzie? We were just going bowling, with a group of friends, at that. Still, I found myself worrying about looking nice, or if his friends would like me. I was over thinking this; finally I just settled on some capri’s and a t-shirt.

Just as I finished putting my hair in a braid, I heard the front door open and close. I walked out to the living room to see Ericka placing an arm full of stuff on the couch. “How was your date?” I asked, raising my eyebrows up and down.

“It”, she giggled, “was not a date.” She disappeared to her room, coming back seconds later wearing a new shirt that had “I survived an After Romeo concert” written on it. “Besides”, she added, coming back into the room while placing a necklace around her neck, “I didn’t get to hang out with him.”

“Why not?”

“Well, I guess hanging out to him meant going to his concert.” She said.

“He’s in a band?”

“Yes”, she answered with a smile. This is the happiest I’d seen her since…. Well, since I met her. “They’re amazing. I met two Juliets; that’s what the band calls their fans, anyways; I met two Juliets that are girlfriends of two members in the band. They’re also amazing. OH MY GOD, and Jayk brought me up on stage and sang to me. And, And….”, She sighed, “I had so much fun. I think I’m in love.” She said staring down at the key necklace she was twirling around in her fingers.

I laughed. “Uh huh.. In love with the band, or with Jayk?”

She gave me a pointed look. “The band.” She answered.

“Riiiiight”, I grinned.

“What about you?” She asked, quickly changing the subject, a clear indication that she liked Jayk a little more than what she wanted to let on. “I thought we were just going bowling with some friends?” She added, looking at me with suspicion. I suddenly felt like I was down at the police station in one of those interrogation rooms.

“We are.” I answered, hoping I did a good job at hiding my excitement about seeing Tony again.

“I don’t buy it, there’s got to be more to it.” She said flatly. “Spill it, missy.”

I smiled to myself. “Ok. We’re going bowling with Tony Oller and some of his friends.” I had to admit, I did a pretty damn good job at hiding my excitement; in reality on the inside I was screaming like a school girl. It’d been a long time since I’d felt this way.

Ericka gaped, dropping the poster she had been staring at to the floor. “Tony Oller, as in Tony Oller from MKTO? How did you; when did you?” She stumbled over her questions.

“Well”, I began. “The first time he totally saved me at the coffee shop. My card kept declining, so he paid for my coffee.” I paused, laughing at Ericka’s face. “The second time he saved me from Logan and Makenzie.” I could tell by Ericka’s face that she didn’t care for Makenzie; clearly Makenzie hadn’t made a good impression at Mama Schmidt’s cookout. I laughed a bit to myself. “Yea, Makenzie was being… Well, Makenzie; she kept throwing the break up in my face.”

“Wow, how very classy of her.” Ericka said with a roll of her eyes.

“Tell me about it; I was about ready to go off on her, but that’s when Tony walked right up to my table and kissed me on the cheek, like we’d been going out. That’s how the whole bowling date thing got brought up.”

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