Chapter 5

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains child death.

Rick picks up Carl and he and Arden run, listening as the hunter/shooter calls out where to go. They're going to a farmhouse to see the donor, Hershel Greene. While Shane sticks back with the man, Arden and Rick run more. Arden takes off faster and Maggie Greene yells for her dad.

"My friend's son was shot!" She gasps. "Oh," she whipped and she pukes beside a tree. "Sorry. Pregnant."

"Get inside, dear," the older man, Hershel, urges as he points Rick in the direction of where to bring Carl once Rick says that Otis shot Carl. They prep for surgery while Beth grabs some gear, a handheld ultrasound, and she goes to the living room where Arden is while Patricia, Hershel, and Maggie work on Carl.

"Can I do an ultrasound?" Beth Greene asks and Arden nods.

Beth does the ultrasound and soon enough, the baby's heartbeat is heard and Rick goes outside to greet Shane and Otis. Otis feels immensely guilty about shooting Carl. He didn't mean to. He didn't see Carl until he was already down.

"Your baby is healthy," Beth says.

Shane listens to the baby's heartbeat before going with Shane into the room where Carl is to hear what truly happened with Otis and the gunshot. Beth smiles at Arden and she brings her a glass of cold water and she sits with her.

"Who shot the gun?" Sophia asks as she and Sora work in their knife skills outside.

"Could be one of our group," Sora says. "But I doubt it. They wouldn't risk it."

"Andrea would," Sophia says with a sad voice.

"Yeah," Sora sighs.

"Sora?" Sophia says as the girls sit on the house's porch; they've been here overnight and all day. "How are we alive?"

"We're alive, Sophia, because we are working together," Sora replies. "We are protecting each other. As long as we keep doing that, we should stay alive."

"When do we start moving again?" Soph asks as Sora lays her head in her shoulder.

"As soon as we eat the sardines."

Sora Kim and Sophia Pelletier have agreed to save the sardines for last. They're the grossest of the foods, and they're still in date. Barely. Sora and Sophia intertwine their fingers as they begin holding hands for comfort.

Arden is sitting with Shane and Rick now I'm the living room while Hershel works on Carl.

"Why'd I let him come with us?" Rick asks with self guilt. He's blaming himself for Carl being shot. "I should have sent him with Lori."

"You know, you start that, you'll never get the monkey off your back," Shane says to his friend.

"Little girls go missing, you look for them," Rick says. "Simple. You said call it, head back."

"Doesn't matter what I said," Shane says.

"Carl got shot because I wouldn't cut bait," Rick says. "It should be me in there."

Shane chuckles a bit. "You've been there, partner. Right? And you pulled through. So will he."

"Carl is a tough kid," Arden says to Rick.

Rick and Shane continue talking. Beth comes downstairs and she leads Arden upstairs for a bath. They have some hot water because if a generator and clean water because if a well and boiling it.

"My daddy's taking care of your friend's boy," Beth says. "You bathe. You're pregnant, you should take care of yourself, too. I'm Beth Greene."

"Arden Kim," Arden claims and Beth steps our.

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