#7: Front Door & Make-outs

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A/n: Sorry, I'm not good with heated scenes. I'm the fluff writer in our duo. *giggles*


Win sat at the entrance of his mansion while putting on his shoes to leave the house as soon as he can because he woke up late if you consider two minutes twenty-three seconds being late. The original reason was he didn't want Bright to drop him as he didn't want to be the center of attraction like last day.

Breakfast was supposed to be skipped today, knowing Father will be leaving late today. Win took a deep breath and opened the left huge door to step out but a certain someone was leaning on the right door beside him when he stepped out.

Bright's eyes met Win as a smirk crept on Bright's face. Bright placed his hand on the door Which prevented Win from stepping back inside the mansion again. 

"Why are you sneaking out?", Bright asked all knowingly.

"Uh...I'm not sneaking out...", Win shuttered with his words as Bright kept shifting closer to him.

Bright closed the door behind Win's back as both the boys were out of the house now, standing on a marble porch. Bright turned to place both his hands on either side of Win. Win gulped visibly.

"Didn't I told you I'll drop you?"

"I needed to go early today so I thought you'll be disturbed.", Win told while facing his side.

Bright swiftly shifted his face inches away from Win's which made Win take in a sharp breath as he placed both his arms on Bright's chest to keep distance between their bodies. 

"Oh really?"

"Bright, please. There are cameras here.", Win cautioned.

"You don't need to worry about that baby bro...", Bright said while taking the scent of Win.

"Someone will see us. Step away please.", Win requested.

"Win. Your scent excites me.", Bright moved close to Win's neck despite Win's attempts. "It's like a seaside mist. Your body, your hair, every time I pass next to you it feels like I belong where that mist originates.", He said while Win felt every touch of Bright's nose on his neck as it took in every possible pleasure it can get from the source.

Bright moved away and faced Win. His chocolate eyes were glittering but were dark at the same time. 

"I feel like I want to possess you."

It's pleasure, everyone wants it deep down but some are afraid of it while some want power over it. No matter how you fear or deny it, once it possesses your body you feel good. Everyone in this world has been taught morals and they stay with you but the pleasure we seek; barely loses with it.

Win knew every bit of it was wrong what he was doing but when a pair of lips crashed over his soft ones it was like only his body worked on opposing the actions while his mind was all out taking everything he could get.

Bright losing control like that was once in a blue moon scenario which ever happened. As if he wanted to devour Win. Win's hands roaming around his body in order to stop him were a distraction to him. 

Bright gripped both his wrists from his chest and pinned them up over his head as his other hand went on to the hem of Win's shirt. As soon as Bright's cold hand met with Win's warm belly, Win released a muffled gasp giving Bright access to him.

After this, there was no stopping to mewls and moans coming from Win. Bright separated from Win for a breathe as he felt himself coming back to his senses. He looked at Win's eyes narrowed down, filled up with desire as his mouth hung open for breath. 

Win being pinned to the front door of their house after a makeout session is one image that got stored in Bright's head, which can be used any time to bring out the fire in him from now on.

As Bright heard some disturbance from inside, he pulled Win to his Car parked at the side of the building. He opened the door and told his brother to get in which he obeyed. 

"I'm sorry.", Bright apologized from Driver's seat.

"You don't have to"

"Yes, I do! I don't know what passed over me, I shouldn't have done this to you."

"Done to me...", Win repeated while his thoughts ran wild thinking about how Bright can "do things with him"( A/n: As in his body...).

 Blood rushed into Win's body making his cheeks warm up with the heat.

"Lemme help you with that.", Bright said as he put out his hands towards Win making him flinch.

"Don't worry I won't do anything", Bright proceeded to button up the two top buttons of Win's uniform which Win didn't notice got unbuttoned in their little make-out session.

Bright brushed Win's hair with his hands and gave him a head pat, "You're good to go baby bro."

Every time Bright calls him 'baby bro' Win can feel his heartbeat raise all the way down to his little man.


Teaser: All of them removed everything broken and cleaned all the blood before being ready. Eyes red and bodies tired, Bright picked up his phone to call the cops.

Random Question: What do you think will happen in the next chapter by reading the Teaser?!

(You'll get a banana from me if you guess correctly *wink*)

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