Chapter Three

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Ben sighed as he rested his hand on the handle to the door of the council chambers. He knew it was the responsible thing, to inform someone where he was going. He was the King after all, like Doug had said. He couldn't just gallivant off to the Isle whenever he felt like it.

But Mal had run back to the Isle. Ben didn't care about protocol or responsibilities for once. He just wanted to be a teen and run after his girlfriend. He wanted to hold her in his arms and reassure her.

I should have run after her when she walked off after our fight, he thought.

"Sire?" Dean asked, pulling Ben out of his thoughts. "It's going to be okay. Though I don't necessarily agree with you being the one to go to the Isle, I can assure you that everything will work out."

Ben gave Dean a small smile. "I really do need to give you that raise don't I?"

"You know you keep saying it but the only thing I need is the pride of knowing the kingdom is run smoothly," Dean told him.

"You're still getting that raise Dean."

"Darn it."

Ben chuckled and shook his head before walking into the council chambers.

"Thank you all for waiting," Ben said as his council looked over at him.

"Of course," Elsa nodded. "Is everything okay King Ben?"

Ben sighed before looking over at her. "Unfortunately Queen Elsa, it's not. I'm afraid Mal...Mal has gone back to the Isle of the Lost."

"Good riddance," he heard Chi-Fu mutter but it was not the time to call him out. Even if Ben wanted to with every fiber of his being—the longer he took here, the more time Mal had to possibly get hurt.

After all, if the Evil Queen was warning Evie not to step foot onto the Isle...what would they do to Mal if they caught her? After all, Mal was the one who actually fought Maleficent in her dragon form.

The only good thing is that Leah's not here for this, though I'd give Chi-Fu and Weaselton two minutes once I leave to call her and let her know, Ben thought with an inward sigh.

"How horrible!" Snow White exclaimed and Ben turned his head to look over at her. "But...King Ben, what's there to be done about it? If Mal has made the choice to return to the Isle, shouldn't that be her choice?"

Ben nodded. "Yes Queen Snow and I'd...I'd be happy to accept Mal's choice once I know for certain that it was her choice and that she wasn't driven back to the Isle by outside forces. Which is why I will be going to the Isle of the Lost to talk to Mal."

Huh, who didn't see this coming? Ben thought as his council broke out in an uproar.

"Sire! You can't—!"

"The Isle?!"

"King Ben, your father created the Isle!"

Ben held up his hands to try to get the group of grown men and women to quiet down. "I'm aware that my father created the Isle. But if there's one thing growing up with all of your stories has taught me, it's that you don't let love slip through your fingers. You fight for it, and when something's troubling the person you love you battle any foe, face any danger, and ensure they're safe and sound."

"But the kingdom will be without a ruler with you gone!" Chi-Fu exclaimed.

"Not necessarily," Ben said and looked once more at Snow White. "I'll be happy to get Princess Emma up to speed as to what's going on. It shouldn't take more than an hour, two hours at the most to get Mal back."

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