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It was a sunny morning the sun shining through the crack in the curtain's. Waking a small boy. The boy sits up instantly running out of his room to his mother's and jump up on her bed and tell that she needs to wake up so we can go to the quirk doctor and see him quirk. The mother soon wakes up and rubs her eyes and tell little Izuku that he needs to get ready so we can go. Izuku rushes off and gets ready. He struggles to get ready cause of his excitement.

Inko is in the kitchen making breakfast when Izuku runs in with his all might figure and sits down. Inko surves him his breakfast and Izuku start eating and almost chokes inko tells him to slow down. He apologize and finished inko soon after and they head to the doctor and enter and wait for the doctor. He soon entire and greets them and x-ray Izuku's foot and walks out and come back soon after. Izuku could feel the off feeling when he entire.

The doctor sit down in front of them and tells them that he will not be getting a quirk that he is quirkless
The words replays in Izuku's head


Izuku only came back to reality when his mother grabbed his hand told him a like whispers that we have to go. They soon left the hospital and went home. Izuku was quite the holl car ride. Inko was trying to cheer him up. She ask if he wanted to get ice cream. Izuku agree. The headed to the mall and when into the ice cream place and got some all might ice cream. They finished it cheered up Izuku a little bit and they started to head out when they open the door he heard his mother gasp and he soon fell back into the store when he looked up he saw a fireball hiring his mother. He yelled out to her and ran to her and looked around and saw a fight between a villain and pro hero endeavor fighting and he knew that the fire was his. Sense he had written about it in his note books.

He looked down at his mother and hugged her. Saying we was to weak to protect her. And started asking the surver in to store to call a ambulance. Soon a ambulance should up and inko was put in it and so was Izuku he sat on silent. He was wondering if his mother was going to be okay.

They show up to the hospital and he sat down in the waiting room waiting for News on his mother. It felt like forever to Izuku. Soon a doctor came up to him with the same feeling the quirk doctor gave off. He new what that meant he was little bit incredible smart. He new deep down before they got there it was a hight chance she would die. He wait though.

The doctor said. "Are Izuku." Izuku nodes. "Well I'm very sorry to tell you this but inko didn't make it." Izuku just sat there. The doctor asked if he wanted to she her and he said he did and he followed the doctor to her room he ran to her and hugged her lifeless body and apologize for not protecting her and said he loved her.

He was taken out of the room soon and one of the nurses came up to him and gave him his mother's necklaces. The vary one she always wore. He took it and put it one soon a social worker came up to him and told him she would take him to the orphanage were he was going to be staying.

They soon arrived. And went inside the social worker went up to the lady at a deku and said "this is Izuku and he will be staying here. He is quirkless and his mother had died and he had no family in the state." The woman behind the desk walk up to him and walk him to his new room and told him to go to bed. Izuku knew this was going to be hell. But he went to bed. Waking up to the other kids in the room. He got ready and soon all of them were called down for breakfast. Izuku was done soon and headed outside.

He walked up to a group of kids and they asked him some questions. Izuku answered them all till it came to what's your quirk he froze at this. Them in a quiet whisper that he was quirkless. They all started laughing and started to mock him. The caretaker didn't do anything and Izuku knew why. He knew that there was a difference in quirk and quirkless. So he just walk off and sat on one of the swings.

He hated that he was treated like that but moment before they acted normal tords him. He just sat there. Word spread fast and he knew cause ether they would ignore him or beat on him. It has been a month since he was place in the orphanage. Izuku hated it.

Hope u like it update soon

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