Qurantine Days

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It's funny that I'm writing down good moments happened due to a badly spreading deadly virus. But guess what??? Surprisingly I do have some good moments to share. First thing to start off, I was super excited to spend the days with my family in our home. I was always the kind of person who hated school (right from  kg to 10th grade). I always used to stress about my academics and always worried about how I didn't have any friends at all.

At the same time I was tat bit nervous to do online school, but it wasn't as bad as I thought and everything is going good till now ( I kinda started liking online classes more than offline lol).  My parents have always taught me to take something good out of bad and I thought to use this to do something productive. After hours of scrolling through social media I realized how I was missing out on so many things. So I decided to re-live these days.

I had to put up a list of stuffs I should do, binge watch etc etc. I started doing them one by one simultaneously with my school work. The start of quarantine was definitely not bad. There was tik tok, international all nighters, dalgona coffee, play date, never have I ever etc., Though I'm an complete extrovert I liked my life in this way too (in my little bubble ) 2020 was really great (probably the best year of my life at the moment I guess so.. well, it might change though)

When 2021 hit it was more like a *not* so happy new year. After all we thought 2020 was the worst year but '21 laughed and came with lot more. When I started seeing the news or reading the paper my anxiety peeked upto mountain level by seeing the increased COVID cases. I started hearing from people of my close circle testing positive. It was terribly sad. I also heard my loved ones grieve by losing their loved ones. In these unfortunate times, we come to know the real people in our life who stood by us in these difficult times.

COVID is more of like a mental game rather than a physical one. When the second wave started, I was completely upset, like I was sad all the time for no reason, I felt (feel) extremely lazy. The second lockdown was the baddest of bad (by this I mean more than Voldemort, ok? jk) In between all these chaos there came the hero, *my boards got cancelled* though I manifested this to happen the whole year, I kinda felt sad too. It suddenly felt like all the early mornings, all the late nights, all the tears, literally everything went down the drain but my family, my friends, people from my school convinced and supported me at that worst time ( so so very much grateful for them ). Ok, the boring topic boards are over! But as I'm typing out like I said I feel upset for no reason. But let me remind myself and everyone one thing that nobody is perfect we all have insecurities, bad moods, times when we feel low and worst , we all are flawed. We must learn to appreciate what we're born with, some people out there look up to you even if you don't know that. It's ok to feel uncomfortable and you're totally allowed to do what makes you confident. Yes, you are blessed with a beautiful life, appreciate it! Take one day at a time, do whatever you love. Be grateful for everything, be grateful for food in you're plate, shelter above you're head, people who genuinely love you.

Sometimes I feel awfully stupid when I realize how much I whine and worry about the little things which actually doesn't matter that much. Sometimes it really hits me how lucky I am just to be alive, to have got the gift of life. One day you'll have nothing left to take for granted, it will be silent and the world will be black so cherish every moment.
We never know when it 'll be our last. We only live once so why not live beautifully?

- Mega Mithra

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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Qurantine Days By MegamithraWhere stories live. Discover now