Chapter 4

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I dropped the bags of soap on the floor when I got inside my house.... Was... Also full of shit and piss though I had a dog 😱😈 and, the dog would eat the shit and drink the piss sometimes though they weren't hungry enough to take in all of it not that I rlly mind... I'd walk into the living room sitting on my couch Wich was sewn from shit dipped fabric appearently a few ppl died of sickness making the couch but I'm sure it was just rumours...

I turned on the TV and watched the news though, I got bored after a couple minutes and changed the channel to dream and listened to his song on loop, I could relate to this song I watch cocomelon to in my freetime so I could understand why you'd want to hide your face if you looked like that shit...
I was startled to hear a shuffle in the far corner of the room....
"H-hello..?" Maybe, a animal got in? 😱 I got up to check (dumb bitch)..

Over in the corner was just more shit and piss I'd sigh in relief sniffing the shit "Oh shit.." I'd hear a quiet voice behind me I'd jump and scream but, I turned around to see nothing...? But wait! My soap?! It was out of the package... 😱😱😱😱😱

I'd stare at it with wide eyes in shock 😲...... Maybe it was there and I didn't notice...? I questioned putting it back but I don't know if I had the guts to touch something so.... "Clean"... So I decided to just walk back outside for the day hoping that maybe my dog would just eat the soap...

{??? Pov}
"Geez this bitch is gross maybe I should clean a little...?" I'd stare around the shit and piss covered stuff I'd take a deep sigh and look over to see a picture the person in the picture was do hot "W-who..?" 😱😍😲

(To be continued 😱😈😈😈😈)

yandere Soap bar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now