chapter 3

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{a few years earlier}
I'd sigh grabbing my bags and heading off from work... I haven't showered in weeks and rlly need soap.... I smell of shit and piss 🤤 Wich may have been a great smell to me, but ig...... Other people didn't like the smell of it ugh the disgraces to society.

I hopped into my car that was all rusty with pee and shit stains everywhere I took in a deep wiff of that beautiful aroma or smells it smelt so delishes and delightful 😍 I could smell it all day. I picked up a piece of shit that had been fermenting for months now and rub it into my hair.. AHHHH so nice, I then realized people were staring I turned a deep red in embarrassment it's not rlly a society norm.... I quickly turned on the car and zoomed to the store.

(At the store)

Searching around I got a bunch of stares😞😖... Most of them were filled with disgust 🤢 I ran away tearing up as listening to some children laughed at me.....
I got to the soap section sighing looking at all the "clean" things I liked the way I lived..... But still I keep getting fired from places and have to start fitting in, in society I'd grab some soap and sniff almost throwing up at the artificial smell of grape... Who would even want grape soap, I turned to see a soap bar and just grabbed it when I saw the cheap price, I didn't even care to smell it though, I continued shopping for more soap and settled on a coconut shampoo and conditioner and decided I'd use the soap bar as a body wash.

I walked over to the register and was met with the cashier puking when they saw me I remember identifying them to report them later they had dirty blonde hair with gray eyes noted, I then asked for there name only to be met with more puking I'd hear a noise coming from the direction of the soap but thought nothing of it I then grabbed the soap and checked out myself... I'd probably get in trouble for that later but that's the least of my worries now.

I'd walk out to the car.. it had been a pretty tiring day I mean I was just fired from my 10th job this week... Everytime after the interview everyone starts puking around me... 🤢 So they gave no choice but to fire me. 😞😖😭 I'd turn back on the car and, drive away.

{At home}

(To be continued)

yandere Soap bar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now