- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 -

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"CORALINE?!..am i dreaming?!". I was so happy to see my cousin Coraline again, she has always been beautiful, very beautiful even as a kid she was always different, in a good kind of way. Coraline's Long Dark hair was sticking on her big, full, red lips as the wind was slightly blowing, she might have changed a little bit but those dark blue eyes which always stands out were exactly the same.

"God Marlena i missed you so much, Where have you been?!" Neither Coraline knew about my health problems, even tho we were best friends as kids and never had secrets but time flies and people loose each other,unfortunately.

" That's a long story but i will tell you everything one day..oh Cor this is Ethan my boyfriend, Ethan this is Coraline my cousin". Ethan was a little bit nervous because he had never met any of my relatives in real life except Anna but Coraline is a very social and communicable girl so it was not hard for her to find something in common with him, this common thing was Drums of course.

" What brought you guys here in France" Coraline asked as we were guiding her to meet the Others. We told her everything from the start, How Damiano booked the flights, How we realized that the hotel was booked for the next weekend, Everything. As we were telling her our journey, Ethan said " Oh here they are! guys come here!".

Anna ran up to us, well to Coraline mostly because she was always the biggest role model to my sister, turns out Coraline was in fact the first person she came out to, so there is a special bond between this two. After introducing my friends to my cousin, it was time to finally think of something because the moon was already up and not many people were left outside.

" God and i am still wearing this stupid dress!" Thomas complained but so did i " and i look like a blue disco ball!". " you two did that to yourselves" Ethan made fun of us but i wasn't mad at him at all, firstly because well..he was right, secondly because finally my happy Ethan was back and i would never make his mood worse.

" Hey guys" Coraline said out loudly after walking, lost in her thoughts for a while. " what is it" Damiano answered. To be honest if it was not Giorgia, i would for sure ship this two together. " I was thinking and..maybe you could stay at my place..it's not big but-" Damiano didn't let her finish her sentence and picked her up " THANK YOU SO MUCH" he said. You could see the jealousy on Giorgia's face and i felt bad for her..all of us saw that, Even Damiano who kissed her on the lips as an apology.

Coraline's house wasn't that far away from where we were. in about 10-15 minutes we arrived, it was a five-storey  building, her apartment was on the last floor. I really like the architecture in Paris, kinda old style but very glamorous and fancy at the same time, vintage but new, all together. Maybe many years later when Ethan and I will be old, we will move here and live the rest of our lives in Paris, city of love.

" We have Two bedrooms, one big living room, bathroom and a small kitchen, Us girls will sleep in bedrooms, for guys i will make beds in the living room" Coraline showed us around the house, which was very cozy and pretty, full of plants and art supplies, i remember when we were kids Anna and Coraline would always draw together, turns out Coraline never stopped. " We?" Thomas asked but no one understood what he just said so he repeated " you said we live here, do you have a roommate?" but before Coraline could Answer, the door opened and a beautiful girl entered the room, she had short hair, dyed light pink, her outfit was so adorable, she looked straight out of Anime, at first she didn't notice us " Cor i bought Milk for tomorrow's pancakes, i heard it will rain tonight so don't go out okay? Why are you so quiet...oh my god." Clearly we scared her with our looks but soon she apologized and we did too after Coraline introduced us to each other. " Guys this is Fleur my roommate and Best friend, Fleur these are my cousins Anna and Marlena and their friends Damiano, Ethan, Thomas, Giorgia".

At first it was kinda Awkward, Fleur didn't talk to us very much but after a bottle of wine we were having a lot of fun, all together.
The rain started pouring, it was so god damn beautiful. I was sitting on Ethans lap as Victoria, Anna and Coraline were talking to us about the future while Damiano and Giorgia were chatting about something on a balcony and sipping red wine. " We will be back soon" Thomas said as he was putting a coat on Fleur. " And where are you going?" Ethan asked and i pinched him on his thigh " Ouch" he said but quickly shut up after we talked with our eyes, saying that he shouldn't ask questions like that. "Go darling but take an Umbrella with you at least" Marlena told Fleur who didn't care about the rain, only Thomas.

                                 *    *     *

One hour passed as Thomas and Fleur were taking a walk outside, in a rain. It was such a romantic moment, In Paris, Streets so empty you couldn't even see a single person walking by, The Eiffel was shining beautifully not far away from where they were. Thomas is a very Romantic person but very shy at the same time but thanks to That wine, he got very self-confident. Fleur had beautiful green Eyes and naturally very long eyelashes, which got even longer by some help of a Mascara which made her eyes pop even more. Rain made that Mascara smudge under her eyes a little bit but Thomas liked that Even more.
Not many shops were open at that time but somehow he managed to buy a pink rose for her. They were so beautiful together.

When it was time to go back inside, she stopped Thomas in-front of the entrance, " is everything alright" he asked but Fleur didn't answer anything she just kissed him gently on the lips, he ran his fingers through her hair and said  " it was the most beautiful night for me", " i couldn't agree more" she replied.

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