- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒 -

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As Ethan was driving the car, i was sitting right beside him and the thoughts about what could have happened to Anna wouldn't leave me alone, After i was diagnosed with Cancer we found out that it is in our bloodline so chances that my sister can have too are very high, i know it sounds stupid and i am being over dramatic but everything is possible.
" Marlena i know you are thinking about the worst scenarios in your head right now but i am pretty sure she is okay" Ethan said while resting his hand on top of mine. " what if everything is repeating Ethan..what if" he stopped my sentence with a kiss, the car stopped " we are here" he said.
I quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside the hospital full of people but Victoria was no where to be seen until someone tapped on my shoulder, it was her.
" I will explain everything right now" Vic said as she pointed on a chair near Anna's room. " Vic what happened please tell me everything.." Even my voice started shaking.
" she is feeling good now really, shes just asleep, we started drinking and dancing" before Vic could finish her sentence Ethan finally found us and came, " she just started" i said to him so that Victoria could tell us everything. " so yeah we were drinking, dancing, jumping until one guy came up to me and offered a dance with him, i politely said no at that time Anna was in bathroom so i was all alone, he wouldn't go..soon she came back and kissed me after this that fucking psychopath spitted on us and said " faggots", Anna lost control and broke a bottle of beer on his head, A big fight started, Everything was okay until he pushed her off the balcony and yeah that's it." Both me and Ethan started Asking Vic lots of questions, of course i was worried but at the same time happy that it was not what i thought it would be, " what happened to him, i must find that fucker and kill him" Ethan said, he was full of Anger and you could hear it in his voice. " Don't worry about that police took him, thankfully someone caught on camera how he pushed her so we have evidence." Vic and Ethan talked outside while i went inside the room to see Anna, who was sleeping peacefully, God she is so beautiful even when we were just kids my biggest wish was to look like her, beautiful long red hair, sparkly green eyes and full lips, red like fresh strawberries. i rested my head on her hand and a tear fell on it which caused her to wake up " Mar is that you?..i am sorry Mar i" , " shh don't be sorry An i am so proud of you" , " you are?" she quickly got so happy " of course i am! you did what you should have done that motherfucker if i could kill him i would.", " well at least he got caught and i still have all of my bones! hahaha..ouch that hurt", " when will they let you out of here?" i asked while adjusting her blanket, " i think tomorrow, i don't have any serious traumas" after a few seconds doctor entered the room and asked me to leave because my sister had to rest.
Ethan took me home and i soon fell asleep, tired on Annas bed, being alone at home without her feels illegal and wrong. After i woke up from a quick nap i decided to go out and just walk around the city alone.
Sometimes walking alone by yourself is necessary too, i mean you are only one hundred percent truthful to yourself, right? as i was walking through the town, old memories came back, my first kiss with Ethan, our first night together, everything and it felt so good when i finally could think about them without crying and feeling ashamed. i feel like i am forgetting something..OH SHIT TOMORROW IS VICTORIAS BIRTHDAY! Thank god i remembered! but what should i buy her..suddenly i saw an old antique thrift shop on the other side of the street " jackpot!" i whispered.
" How may i help you?" an old lady asked me, " i am looking for a gift for my friend mam" , suddenly a young girl probably a year younger than me came out of the room " its okay granny i will help her, hey what you looking for" she was very pretty, tall about 1,70cm, blonde with brown eyes. " hey so i want a birthday gift for my friend, she is into music, bassist actually", " who is your friend Victoria de angelis? hahaha okay i am just kidding sorry i just love måneskin if you know about them", i smiled and said " actually yes i am looking for a gift for Vic", you could see how she froze from her toes to her hair " you know.. VICTORIA?", " yes haha shes my best friend" , " oh god thats so cool can you say that i love her from me?!" , i decided to be a kind person i am " actually why don't you say that to her yourself" , " WHAT" she yelled, " is everything okay darling?" her grandma said " YES YES BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN", " you help me find a gift for her i will take you to meet måneskin tomorrow, deal?", " FUCK YEAH..oh my grandma..shit", " so any thoughts about the gift?" , " yes i know exactly what you need, follow me", she took me inside the room full of boxes and old things and took out a black bag, inside there was a beautiful bass that Victoria would definitely love. " this is vintage bass, i would never sell it but we are talking about Victoria so take it, its yours" it was very pretty, vintage, red bass but probably very expensive at the same time. " so how much is it?" i asked that girl, hoping she wouldn't say something above 500$, " are you kidding me? its free, you are doing god's job from me how could i make you pay money!", " no no there is no way" i denied but still she said no. as i opened the door, i remembered that she didn't tell me her name " whats your name by the way?", " oh it's Giorgia and you?", " Marlena" i replied and left.

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