Chapter 3 (abusive power?)

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Brie P.O.V

"Thank you so much aj i will do what i can do whats right!!" "You better!" She went backstage. The crowd chanted you sold out. Dean looked outrage at me. I just went out the ring and walked back stage. I was greeted by my sister i guess we were doing a promo with all the cameras around. "Your joining the authority to?" She asked me. I looked shocked, nikki was in the authority. "Well you'll see but anywho you have a match against john cena your boy friend okay and it starts now! But to make sure your fighting.if John cena refuses to fight or even loses he is fired and banned to be a wrestler and if you lose you will be suspended for atleast 8 months.!!" "You can't do that!?!?" "Actually she could and brie i think thays an excellent idea of yours!" Stephanie came out of nowhere and said. I smiled.
John cena vs Nikki bella
You can look but you cant touch you can dream in the stars above nikki came down walking awkwardly down the ramp and walked in the.ring without flipping. Your time is up my time is now you cant see me my time is now john came running down the ramp to face nikki. I smirked the bell rang.
Sorry for being short what you think of brie abusing het power?!?! Telll me everthing you think of this chapter!! Love yall kisses!! I was thinking of delering this story should i?

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