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After along time the noise quite down and it was silent. Izuku couldn't move yet. All of a sudden the door was banged opened. Izuku looked to see if it was Tomura again. It wasn't but he really couldn't see who it was with his blurry vision. The person said "Midoriya are you ok."Izuku blacked out from exhaustion. The person that came into the room was Aizawa. Aizawa went and picked up Midoriya it seemed that he was passed out from exhaustion. That was a good thing. Aizawa carried him to the ambulance. He was token to the hospital. Izuku woke up and had to blink since he was blinded by a bright light. Once his eyes adjusted to the light he looked around. He noticed that it was a hospital room. He reached up to his neck he felt for the collar and breathed when he noticed that it wasn't there. He hated that thing.

Shortly after waking up the doctor came in. the doctor said "oh good your awake. Lets check your vitals and other things then you may leave once your father gets here." Izuku said "Alright." Izuku's father showed up shortly after Izuku changed into some clothes. Izuku looked at his dad and said "Dad can I go home with you I don't want to go to the dorms today." His dad said "Yeah your going to come home with me for the rest of the week you'll go back on Monday."Izuku and his dad left for the house. Once there Izuku said "Dad I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant." Hisashi said "Why do you say that" Cause I was raped repeatedly and they forced me into heat."

Hisashi said "Well all we can do is wait. I heard that Nezu had you bond with a teacher what happened with that." Izuku said "He wanted to make a bond but I didn't want to and I hid under the bed in cat form till the bond was called off."

Hisashi said "How much longer on the force heat." Izuku said "Today should be the last day." Hisashi said "Alright go rest when you get to school on Monday the first thing you do is go to Recovery Girl and find out if your pregnant we should be able to find out then. I'm going to talk with Nezu. I don't want a bond happening just to try and prevent what happened. Since the person is determined then it wouldn't matter if your bonded or not." Izuku nodded and went to his room. Monday had came to quickly for Izuku's liking. He wasn't ready to go back. Every day since he came home he been thinking about pulling out of the heroes course at school. He's even thought about pulling out of U.A. He was certain that principal Nezu would demand that he bond with someone any of the teachers. Declaring that it would be for the best so something like this didn't happen again.

Izuku made his way to Recovery Girl's office. Once there he knocked on the door before entering the room. Recovery Girl said "Oh Midoriya what can I do for you this early in the morning." Izuku said "I need to see if I got pregnant from my kidnapping since I was forced into heat." Recovery Girl said "Alright come here lets get you examined." After the exam was over Recovery Girl said "Alright go to class when I have the results I'll call for you." Izuku thanked her and went to class. Izuku made it just before class started. When he walked in everyone looked at him. He was then overwhelmed by questions.

 Before any answers could be given Aizawa walked in and began class. Right after lunch Izuku was called down to Recovery Girl's office. After entering the room he found not only Recovery Girl but his dad as well. Recovery Girl said "Izuku I have the test results. You are quite lucky your not pregnant." Izuku sighed in relief he couldn't believe it he was lucky that he was pregnant. He was pretty positive that Shigaraki had got him pregnant. It was rare for a neko to not get pregnant why in heat. Heat almost guaranteed a pregnancy's happening. Recovery Girl had called Izuku's father in before calling Izuku in to talk about the results. Recovery Girl said "Do you plan on making a bond with someone." Izuku shook his head there wasn't a reason for him to make a bond with someone. No one cared enough about him to do it himself.  

A/N I own Neither the pictures or MHA all credit goes to rightful owners Sorry short chapter.

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