Acceptance into UA

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Time Skip four years Izukuis now fourteen

its been four years since he had the words carved into him. His dad trained him in hand to hand combat. His dad had him clean up the beach to help with improving his muscles and helping him get stronger. His dad helped him be able to change from human to cat to a cat humanoid. Basically they decided to see what all Izuku could do with his abilities that comes with him being a neko. Izuku got bullied by Bakugo on a daily basis. He was tired of it but he couldn't do anything about it. He knew that it would turn into Bakugo saying that he was trying to destroy his dream of being a hero. One day at the end of the day Bakugo and his gang had just got done picking on him. Bakugo was at the classroom door when he looked back at Izuku. Bakugo said "OI NERD IF YOU WANT AQUIRK THEN I HAVE A SUGGESTION FOR YOU. WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A SWANDIVE OFF THE ROOF AND PRAY FOR A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE. HA HA HA HAHA."

Izuku couldn't believe that Kacchan just said that to him. He thought you idiot what if I really did fallow your advice and jump then you could be charged with suicide baiting. Izuku then started to walk home. On his way he came to a tunnel and he started to walk through it. A short ways into the tunnel when he heard a noise. He looked around but didn't notice anything. The next thing he knew he was in a slime villain that was trying to shove himself into him cutting off his oxygen supply. Before he blacked out he thought he heard someone say Smash. Izuku woke up to someone patting his cheek. All Might said "Come on kid wake up. Wake up kid." Izuku groaned and woke up. All Might said "Oh good kid your awake."

Izuku said "All Might I can't believe it. Do you have a moment to answer a question" All Might said "Yeah sure um" Izuku said "Oh the name is Midoriya Izuku." All Might said "Alright Midoriya kid what is your question." Izuku said "Do you think someone like me a neko without a quirk could be a hero." All Might said "No kid you can't be a hero. Someone like you would be more of a nuisance then help. Its great to dream but lets keep the dream attainable a little more reasonable. If you want to help people then you could be a doctor or a police officer or a detective they may not get the recognition of a hero but they do a lot behind the scenes." With that All Might left to deliver the slime villain to the police. Izuku finished his walk home.

He was sad that All Might said he couldn't be a hero but his dad believed he could and that was good enough for him. For you see his dad was the number three hero over in America. Here in Japan he was the current number 5 hero. He was known as the hero Libra. So you could say that Izuku was rich but he didn't show it. When he got home he said "I'm home." there was silence. So he just assumed that his dad was at work and would be home later. He went and changed out of his uniform into more comfortable clothes. He then decided to do some training. He had ten months till the entrance exams. His dad had came up with a training program for him. It was detailed and would work wonderfully for the exam. The ten months went by pretty quickly before he knew it. It was the day before and Izuku decided to rest that day so he wasn't overworked for the exam.

Time skip to being outside of U. A.

Izuku was walking into the exam when he heard a Voice yell "OI DEKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? ITHOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO EVEN TRY TO MAKE IT INTO U.A. THERE IS NOWAY YOUR GOING TO MAKE IT. NOW MOVE OUT OF MY WAY." Izuku didn't know why Bakugo hated him. Then again he didn't know why most people hated him. He began walking again when he tripped. He closed his eyes preparing for impact but it never came. When he opened his eyes he was wrapped up in a scarf like thing. He looked around to see a hobo looking like man. The man said "It would be bad luck for you to fall before the exam." Izuku said "Thanks for catching me. I'm sure your right I should go before I'm late." the man untangled Izuku from his capture gear and said "you won't be late the exam wont start for a few more minutes."

Izuku had recognized the person at this point. Izuku said "To think that Eraserhead  would stop me from falling." Izuku flashed him one of his famous smiles. Eraserhead was thinking how does this kid know who I am. What am I going to do. I wonder what his quirk is. It seems to be cat related I want to pet him. Eraserhead shook his head to stop himself from his thoughts. He said "Alright you might want to get going now."Izuku walked in and took a seat. Izuku aced the written portion of the exam and had it done in a short amount of time. After the written exam was over then came the presentation that was giving by Present Mic. After the presentation came the time for the practical portion of the exams.

After the doors opened to the fake city Izuku ran in and turned into a cheetah. This allowed for strength and speed. After transforming he heard Present Mic yell something about following him that there was no count downs in real life. Izuku quickly racked up points. He didn't even bother to count points. After so long the ground shook and the zero pointer appeared when he was about to run away he heard a cry for help he turned to help the person that was trapped he got to them and noticed that he didn't have time to get them out so he looked at the zero pointer and charged it changing into a tiger and ripping it to pieces. After that he helped the person out.

After getting them out Present Mic announced the end of the exam. Shortly after that Recovery Girl walked around healing the injured. Izuku walked out of the exam. He walked home. When he entered the house he said "I'm home." His dad replied "Welcome back how did the exam go." he proceeded to tell his dad about the exam. Meanwhile back at U.A right after the exam in the observation room. Aizawa said "Nezu I want that green haired boy with the cat features in my class." Nezu said "Oh you took an interest in him alright he did come first in both test." Aizawa turned away trying to keep calm. He couldn't wait to find out what that's boy quirk was.

Back to the cinnamon roll boy with a two week time skip

Izuku just got his letter from U.A he opened it and out came a disk. The disk turned on and there was All Might. I am here as a hologram. Midoriya kid well done. You passed the written portion with a 100% and you scored a total of 165 Villain points and 60 rescue points. A total of 225points. Welcome to U.A and the hero course. After All Might said that the disk turned off. He would have to wait to tell his dad. His dad was gone doing work. Izuku was happy he looked at the letter to find out when the first day would be and what class he would be in. that night Izuku told his dad about the letter. His dad said "Well done just remember you have to work harder since you don't have a quirk like the others. We will have to figure out something for when your in heat." Izuku said "Yeah I know."

in the letter it said that they would be going to a dorm system. Izuku didn't want to go to the dorms since he couldn't pretend to be sick and skip school why he was in heat. The best way for him to deal with it would be to surround himself with cats and turn into one. He then could sleep through it. There was no way he could do that and the second way was to just be lazy and do nothing why missing school. Before they knew it school was going to start. It was three days before the first day of school and he had to move into his dorm room. Izuku and his dad went to the school with his stuff. After dropping him and his stuff off his dad waved bye and left for his hero agency.

A/N I don't own neither the pictures or MHA all credit goes to the rightful owners of both

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