Nobody even Noticed

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TW: Mentions of abuse, mentions of scars, mentions of self harm

"So Techno," We were walking down the swim wear aisle looking for what me and Tubbo liked best.

Honestly I didn't like any of them because they were all only shorts. I'm pretty sure there is some type of shirt that you are supposed to swim in but we just can't seem to find any. I mean, its not like anyone other than me was looking.

"You were asking about our names earlier but what about yours. What the hell kinda name is Technoblade?" Tubbo asked jokingly. Techno sighed as if he's been asked this a million times.

"Long story, too lazy to tell it." Techno continued searching the racks. Me and Tubbo simultaneously rolled our eyes

"Oh so when you ask us we'll tell you but when I ask you, you don't say? That seems a bit unfair, don't you think?" Tubbo pressed. Techno chuckled and responded like he knew Tubbo was gonna say that.

"Your story was short, simple, boring, and common." I playfully scoffed at this. "While my story is entertaining, long, funny, and unique." He says proudly.

"Sure, and how can we know that if you don't tell us?" Tubbo asked.

"You can't" Techno said simply and smirked. Tubbo huffed and began looking at swim shorts again.

I laughed at the twos argument and just walked along with them. Soon enough Tubbo very coincidently found a pair of swim trunks with bees, totally not cause the author is obsessed with Tubbo wearing bee themed things.

Meanwhile I didn't want any of the shorts so I was just walking around pretending like I was choosing one when in reality I was zoned out. Not thinking about anything in particular, my mind was just wandering.

"Tommy?" I flinched and looked at Techno.


"Just wondering....WHY YOU'RE SO SLOW" he pretty much shouts while laughing and holding out the vowel in 'slow'. I flinched because of his yelling but harder this time.

I completely forgot Tubbo was there until he tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to face him.

He had nice, caring eyes and mouthed asking if I was okay. I slightly nodded and gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile. He weakly smiled back so I assumed that he didn't believe me.

Sometimes I hate how Tubbo always knows when I'm lying or how I'm feeling or when something effects me in some way. I just wish I could have me to myself, if that even makes sense.

"Well we need to leave soon so do you like these shorts?" Techno held up a pair of plain red swim trunks.

I shrugged and nodded in confirmation that I was okay with those. When in actuality I absolutely wasn't. But what was I supposed to say?

'Oh yeah actually, I can't wear these because I was abused and I cut myself regularly.' No, of course I can't say that. So I just stay silent while we went to go find Phil and Wilbur.

After a while we couldn't find them so Techno decided to text Wil. Turns out they were already in the car because we had took so long and Phil was just gonna PayPal Techno some money to pay for what we bought.

Pretty soon we were walking out of the store to the car. When we got in the car Phil looked at us obviously puzzled.

"What took you kids so long?" Techno laughed at looked at me.

"Wanna tell him what took so long?" I looked nervously at Phil because I was scared.

Was he mad? What would he do if I told him we took so long because I couldn't find a pair of swim trunks that I liked? Instead Tubbo spoke up.

"There was this total Karen! She stopped us for quote unquote 'talking too loud' she was complaining about it for like 10 minutes and she wouldn't leave us alone or let us leave! It was crazy." Tubbo told this totally made up story. Phil laughed.

"Is that your first Karen encounter boys?" Me and Tubbo nodded and Phil turned around. Tubbo looked at me as I mouthed 'thank you' He shrugged and turned as if saying 'it was nothing'. Tubbo is just too humble.

I looked at Techno who looked as though he was examining what had just happened. He didn't seem like he was gonna tell on us so I just looked out the window while we started driving to the waterpark.

Once we got there we paid for admission and went to a bathroom to change into our swimming trunks. I was scared out of my mind. There was no way I'll be able to cover up all of them so I'd have to think of an excuse, and quick.

We all each got into a stall since there was coincidently no one in the bathroom when we got there. I got undressed and eyed the shorts.

They were just like any other swim trunks but I really didn't wanna put them on. I figured I didn't really have a choice and convinced myself to just put them on already so I wouldn't take so long in here and to avoid suspicion.

I got out of the stall and the only one out was Tubbo. Tubbo gasped and its like he's finally remembered.

"Oh my gosh, im so sorry. It completely slipped my mind when i suggested we go to a waterpark." Tubbo whispered then dramatically slapped his head. "Thats why you took so long picking shorts! Oh my gosh I'm so dumb."

Tubbo must've saw the fear in my eyes because he immediately went in for a hug. I shakily hugged him back. "I'm so sorry Tommy." I sighed because I felt bad for Tubbo.

"It okay Tubbo, it's not your fault." At that moment the rest came out at the same time. I crossed my arms to maybe cover up something. But apparently i didn't need to, they didn't even look at me.

"You boys ready to go?" Phil asked. Tubbo looked at me nervously. I nodded.

"Yeah we're ready." Tubbo answered.

"Alright, let's go." Phil, Wil, and Techno started heading out. Me and Tubbo stayed behind for a minute. Tubbo looked at me.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked. I looked at him terrified and bit my lip.

"I guess I don't really have a choice now, do i?" I nervously laughed.


"Woah! That slide looks cool!" Wilbur exclaimed while pointing to a toilet bowl water slide.

Meanwhile I was trying trying to convince myself to have a good time. But I couldn't really do that when all I was thinking about were the scars and bruises that riddled my body.

Surprisingly no one had even batted an eye but that didn't seem to ease my anxiety.

"You guys wanna do that one first?" Phil asked while walking towards it.

"Sure." Techno responded and looked at Tubbo. Tubbo nodded his head while I was practically hiding behind him. "Tubbo's okay with it." Techno confirmed.

I let out a sigh, grateful for him not seeing me. It was kinda crazy that I was more scared of people seeing me than any of the slides there.

Most of the time I'm terrified of them but I was to busy over-obssesing over the actual problem to give a fuck about being scared of them.

But none of what I was scared of happening happened. We had a fun time and it went nothing like I expected it to. I'm not sure exactly what I expected but it wasn't this.

About half an hour before the park closed we started leaving so we wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of people while trying to get to our car or trying to get our car out.

We all piled in and drove home. And that was it. Surprisingly. I quickly walked out of the car and into the house to get changed. When I was got done I came out and yelled downstairs to the others.

"I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to bed if thats okay!" Phil shouted corroboration that that was okay. "I had fun though, goodnight!" I heard a couple goodnights and went to my room. I collapsed on my bed and thought about the day.

What was that? Nobody said anything. That was so weird. I was so panicky and it turned out to be for no reason. Nobody cared.

Nobody even noticed

1430 words

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